Colonization Headquarters

Visit the Archive


October 2010

Enormous thanks to Tora33 for her help in tracking down and suggesting new fics!

colonization headquarters

The Date is Set


new stories

Far too many to list! 228 new fics were added with this update, so go check the listings and look for the tag.

Some aliens want to colonize the earth.
Some just want to play baseball.



Welcome to Colonization Headquarters! This site was originally located on Geocities and when they
closed their free hosting in October 2009, I was unable to contact Revilo Witts about her site. I therefore
took the liberty of moving it to a new home. The content has not been changed, other than reducing
and repairing links as needed. I hope to add more stories in the future, so if you know of a post-colonization
story which should be here and isn't, use the Submissions link to let me know.

A lot of these stories are really old so be aware the email addresses listed on them may not work. If any author
finds a fic here that they don't want to have included on the site, or if you find any issues in your travels,
please email and let me know.

If you've enjoyed this site, please consider making a small donation toward its upkeep.
All moneys received will go directly to paying for site space in order to keep the archive open.
We maintain these pages because we love the fic and we want them to stick around a while.
Thank you for your generous support, in every sense of the word.

The X-Files is copyright FOX
and respective owners.