Losing Everything Part 3 It took every ounce of strength John Carter had to drag himself out of bed after his shift at Georgetown. I'm getting old, he thought to himself. I can't pull keep up these hours, or this lifestyle. I have to pick a city and live there. He'd pretty much decided he would move to DC. He felt closer to Mulder and Scully than he did his own family, and he felt that his work at the hospital was going well enough that he would have no problem securing the next ER attending position that came open. He knew Walter had left him everything in his will, and his name was on the lease on the townhouse. He would miss Chicago, but this place was his home. It was the home he had shared with Walter, and it being there was the only way he had of being close to him. Kyle Bates had intruded into John's thoughts more than he liked to admit in the last couple of days. He was disappointed that he hadn't heard from him, or that Kyle hadn't just shown up. But Kyle had made it clear that John had to be a willing participant in this relationship, so John supposed the proverbial ball was in his court. He'd call Kyle after he left Mulder and Scully's place this afternoon he decided. He found Mulder and Scully both looking rather pale and worn out when he arrived at their house. Scully looked like she had been crying. "What's wrong guys?" he asked as he scooped a cooing and smiling Moira out of her bouncy chair and into his lap. "John, we got some information about Walter. Its highly classified information so you can't tell anyone any details." Mulder began. "I came into possession of some documentation from the Department of Defense that had the names of a couple thousand of the people who have been abducted. They were tried for war crimes and executed, John. Walter's name was there. He died in December." Mulder put his hand on John's shoulder, his hazel eyes moist with unshed tears. "John, I'm so damn sorry." John felt all the warmth in his body drain away. He didn't realize how much he had still hoped Walter was coming home until that moment. He looked over to where Dana sat on the couch, tears trailing down her face. It was true. He was really dead. dead. dead. John couldn't think the words enough times to accept them. He realized tears were spilling down his face and falling on Moira's little head. He kissed her gently and put her in her bassinette, turning to stare out the window. His chest felt tight; he couldn't catch his breath. He needed to hold Walter in his arms and tell him how much he loved him. The need was so real it was an ache in his soul. He could almost feel the weight of Walter in his arms and the smell of their lovemaking on his skin. The sound of his laughter rang in John's ears. It took John a moment to register that Dana had come up behind him and slipped her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek to his back. "John, he loved you so much. He wouldn't want you to give up on life. Please don't slip away from us. I know it may not seem like it, but there's still some happiness in the world for you." He patted her hands where they met around his waist, a waist gone from slender to skinny in the past few months. He was slipping away; wasting away to nothing in the face of his pain. He's spent months running on fumes while working double shifts and doing anything and everything to not face this moment. But here it was; and Dana was holding on to him for dear life and wasn't going to let him go. Mulder joined them and wrapped his long arms around John's lanky form, the strength of them holding him up. He wanted to die, but he was surrounded by the love of his chosen family and they weren't going to let him go. After a long moment of the three of them held in this awkward dance of pain Moira let out a shrill cry and Scully pulled away from John hesitantly. "I think that was an order for Moira's 24 hour dairy service." She joked, settling on the couch to nurse the baby. John sat down next to her on the sofa, running his fingers absently over the top of Moira's downy soft head. Yes, there was something still beautiful left in his life. John was going to stick around to make sure this little girl got no ideas about joining the FBI in the future. "Very few people know about this, but I'm sure Kersh will go ahead now and declare Walter legally dead. Unfortunately, I could be imprisoned for having this information and we can't tell any of the other next of kin." Mulder said quietly. "For everyone's safety I would be careful how you share the information. I would tell people that Walter has been declared legally dead, not that we have confirmation he was executed. A subtle but important difference that will keep people from asking too many questions." "Well it's not goddamn fair that people can't ask questions. This is the kind of shit the Nazis did, not stuff that's supposed to happen in fucking America. We live in a police state now, not a democracy. When are people going to realize that the colonists are going to do the same thing to us that we did to the Native Americans when we colonized their land? In a hundred years we're going to be another dead culture in some race's history books." John said bitterly. He felt venom coursing through his veins. He couldn't believe the FBI was going to cover this up and act like it never happened. Walter had served his country in Vietnam and been a federal employee with an exemplary career; he deserved more than this from the government. They were perfectly willing to brush his death under the rug like he had never existed. John vowed silently that somehow they were going to pay for all the pain they had caused. They were going to pay for Walter's life, and all the years they would never have together. They sat quietly while Scully nursed the baby to sleep, then she went into the kitchen to fix them all something to eat. They picked at their food, none of them having an appetite. It wasn't long before John couldn't take the awkward quiet anymore. He needed to clear his head. "Guys, I'm gonna head home. I need some time alone. I think I'll call in sick for my shift tonight and drive the Montero back to Chicago instead of flying. Mulder, can you arrange for someone to come pick up the bureau fleet car? It's still sitting in the parking garage." John just remembered Walter's shirts he'd dropped off at the cleaners. He'd have to go get them today too. "Come over for dinner tonight?" Scully asked, giving him a tight hug. "Yeah, I'll see you later. I just need to think. Don't worry, I won't drink." He assured her, answering the silent question in her troubled eyes. "You can do a breathalyzer on me when I come back. I might even go to a meeting today." He hadn't been to an AA meeting since Walter disappeared...since Walter had been around to insist that he go. John drove home on autopilot, barely noticing his surroundings until he pulled into the parking garage. He entered the townhouse quietly, afraid for some reason to disturb the silence. He suddenly understood the old Chinese proverb about the sound of one hand clapping; that was what he felt like. Without Walter he was incomplete, inconsequential. John went into the kitchen and got the Murphy's Oil Soap from under the sink. He took it and a bucket upstairs and polished the bedroom furniture until it gleamed. He lined up all of Walter's shoes in the closet, arranged his ties on the tie rack so they all hung at the same length. He carefully unfolded and refolded all of the clothes in the bureau drawers, stacking the tee shirts by color. Next came the downstairs. He polished all the furniture, vacuumed and scrubbed the downstairs bathroom and the kitchen. When the sun went down the townhouse was sparkling clean and John was still full of nervous energy. He went into Walter's study and neatly stacked all the papers on his desk, filed away the piles of folders, cleaned the picture frames that held Walter's degrees and certifications. Finally there was nothing left to do, and John had to admit to himself that he had forgotten how to be alone. He realized he had forgotten to call Scully about dinner and she'd probably start worrying soon. He was surprised she and Mulder had even let him leave their apartment today. He suddenly felt so envious of their relationship. They had been in love before Mulder's abduction; that had been obvious to anyone who saw them in a room together. But Mulder had come back a changed man; something in him had opened up. Before he had been loyal and compassionate-now he was an affectionate and warm friend and a doting husband and father. He'd come home with a full appreciation of what life had to offer and didn't hesitate to express his joy and gratitude for the blessings he had. John had always viewed him as a friend, but the support and comfort he had offered since Walter's disappearance had turned the two men into brothers of a sort. John had never had that kind of approval from another man in his life, and he'd never realized how much he'd needed it until Mulder had offered it to him. It just wasn't true that you couldn't pick your family; his lived in a small apartment in Alexandria. The phone rang. It was Mulder. "You must have been reading my mind, I was just thinking I should call and tell you I would be late for dinner." John said. Mulder chuckled. "No, I'm not reading minds this week. Scully just announced she's not cooking, so I can make tuna fish sandwiches or you can tell me what you want on your half of the pizza." "Ham and pineapple and I'll be there in half an hour." "Gross. What an atrocity to pizzas everywhere. See you then. Don't dawdle or Scully will be convinced you had a traffic accident or something. She's playing mother hen today." "Okay, tell her I'm alive and well AND sober, I know that's what she's thinking." That was one of the downsides of being a recovered addict; every time you had life crisis the people around you were convinced you would start using again. "Okay man, see you in a little while." Mulder said as he hung up. John put down the phone, then reached into his pocket and fished out his wallet, pulling out the piece of paper with Kyle Bates' cell phone number on it. He picked up the phone and dialed the number. It rang several times and John was about to hang up when Kyle finally answered. "Kyle, it's John." "John, I was getting worried about you. It's good to hear your voice. How are you?" "I've been better." John said honestly. He took a deep breath and went on. "The FBI is closing the investigation into Walter's disappearance and declaring him legally dead." There was a long pause. John heard Kyle exhale slowly. "John, I'm so sorry. I wish I were there to be with you. Do you want me to come to?" "Yes, but don't do it. I need to deal with this on my own. I'm going to skip off work early and drive our jeep back to Chicago. It should only take me about ten hours. I'll call you when I get home." "Please do. I miss you." "I miss you too." John was surprised to hear himself say the words, but it was true. He hadn't been able to get Kyle off his mind. "Drive safely. I'll talk to you soon. If you need to talk you can call anytime." "Thanks, I might just take you up on that. Goodnight, Kyle." "Goodnight, John. Try to take it easy and get some rest." John hung up the phone and was almost ashamed to admit that he felt a little better. He changed out of cleaning agent covered clothes and left for Mulder and Scully's place. Dinner was a quiet affair. They were all emotionally exhausted. John fell asleep on the sofa watching the Lakers game with Mulder. He woke up early in the morning to the sound of Moira crying to be fed. He heard Scully moving around in the bedroom and sat up, yawning and stretching. Trying to be quiet in case Moira went back to sleep, he padded into the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal and started the coffee pot. He sat back down on the sofa and turned on the teevee to watch Good Morning America, keeping the volume down low. After a while Scully joined him in the living room after getting a cup of coffee. "Oh, thanks for starting the coffee. It smells so good." "No problem. I'm going to leave soon. I'm going to bring the SUV back to Chicago with me. I'll probably still fly here for work, which means you'll have to drive me around, but at least I won't be dependent on public transportation in Chicago." "Are you going to see your new friend again?" she asked casually. "Yeah, I probably will." He was quiet for a long moment. "Don't hate me Dana. I'm just lonely. He'll never replace Walter. I'll always love him." Her eyes were warm and sympathetic. "John, no one is going to hate you. I certainly don't. No one expects you to walk around in sackcloth and ashes for the rest of your life. You're a young man. You can start over, and no one will think any less of you." John didn't feel young. Though he was only thirty-one, he felt as if he'd lived a hundred lifetimes in the past four months. And the previous three years had gone by so blissfully fast. Too fast. He wished he could reach and take each moment back, appreciating them for the cherished moments they were. Appreciating Walter for the wonderful person that he had been. Appreciating how blessed he had been to know such happiness. "I don't know how to do this, Dana. I don't know how to move on. So if I start fucking up, make sure to let me know, alright?" She smiled. "In a heartbeat, Carter." When John pulled up in front of Kerry Weaver's house twelve hours later he felt considerably better. The long quiet drive had given him some time to clear his head, and some time to just be alone with his memories. It had almost been like being alone with Walter, just engulfing himself in his memories of their life together. It made John feel more centered. Kerry was sitting on the sofa watching teevee. She was surprised to see John. "Carter, did you take a cab from the airport? You know I would have come to pick you up. I thought you were working in DC today." He sat in a chair opposite the couch. "Kerry, the FBI decided to close Walter's case. For reasons I'm not allowed to discuss they have decided to declare him legally dead." Tears shone in her eyes. "Oh John, I'm so sorry. He was a good man. We all cared about him. I know how much you loved him." John played absently with the gold band on his finger, twisting it back and forth. "Yes, I do love him. I always will. But I know for certain now that he's not ever coming back. I have to figure out how I'm going to live with that. I thought we were going to grow old together, and I suddenly have this big empty future in front of me. I'm scared." He said honestly. "John, you know if you need some time off from work or anything, you just have to ask. County has a very...liberal... policy on domestic partners and you're allowed 4 weeks paid leave when a spouse dies." John shook his head. "No, working is the only thing keeping me sane. The last thing I need is time off work to sit around and feel sorry for myself. I manage to find plenty of time for that as it is. But I appreciate the thought." He stood. "I'm gonna go start my laundry. Thanks for everything Kerry. Not just now, but the last few months. You've been great." John went downstairs and unpacked the few things he'd brought back from DC, mostly dirty laundry he hadn't had time to do. He loaded up the washing machine and went back to his room, picking up the phone and punching in Kyle's number. "Hey, I'm home." He said when Kyle answered. "Good, I'm glad you made it in okay. Was it a nice drive?" "Yeah, actually it was. It gave me a lot of time to think." He paused. "Kyle, I'd like to see you tonight if it's not too late. I can come to your hotel or you can come here." "I'm not staying in a hotel anymore. I found something a little more permanent since I'll be here a little while. I'm sharing an apartment with a couple of people." Kyle didn't mention that it was a rebel safehouse and he was protecting two scientists that were headed for the new labs in DC. He hadn't said yes or no. John felt a hitch in his throat when he spoke again. "Well, if you're busy I understand..." "No, that's not it at all. We just wouldn't have much privacy here. Why don't I come to your place? Want me to bring dinner?" John laughed. "Am I that skinny? Everybody I know is trying to feed me lately." But he knew the answer. He was cinching in his 32-inch waistline pants with the last notch on his belt to keep them from falling off: he was downright skinny now. "I think you're pretty damn hot, Dr. Carter, no matter how thin you are. But you do look like a guy who hasn't paid any attention to his own needs in a while." "Okay, then bring me dinner. Surprise me." "Will do. See you in about an hour." They hung up and John had to admit he was both nervous and excited so see Kyle again. Another part of his anatomy besides his brain seemed excited by the prospect too. He cleaned up his room and changed the sheets on his bed. Thankfully Kerry was in bed when Kyle arrived. They ate quietly in the kitchen, John noting that Kyle had brought him a virtual feast of "comfort foods", chicken noodle soup and egg salad sandwiches and a whole loaf of banana nut bread. While John was loading the dishwasher Kyle grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into a tender, lingering kiss. "I've been waiting to do that since the second I walked in the door." Kyle whispered in his ear. Kyle's hot breath against his skin sent all the blood in John's body rushing to an area other than his brain. "Mmmm, I wouldn't mind if you did it again." When Kyle was done the only thing holding John upright was the fact that he was leaning against the counter. He'd embedded his fingers in Kyle's thick brown hair, giving himself over completely to the warmth of the other man's mouth. Kyle ran his fingers all over John's face, neck and torso while he kissed him, his hands ending up holding tightly to the small of John's back, pressing them into an embrace that left no doubt in either mind about what the other was thinking. "John, you have no idea what you do to me. I can't keep my hands off of you." Kyle said as he nibbled John's ear. "You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen. You're eyes, your lips..." John gave a throaty chuckle and pressed a kiss into the hollow of Kyle's neck. He smelled of sandalwood again. John inhaled deeply, enjoying the heady scent. "Let's go to bed, Kyle." Kyle nodded mutely and let John lead him downstairs. Once the door was closed behind them John couldn't get Kyle's shirt undone fast enough, desperate to feel the other man's skin against his own. Their clothes quickly ended up in a pool of cotton and denim on the floor. John pulled Kyle onto the bed and proceeded to ravish him, kissing and touching every inch of him. The first time he ran his hand over the length of Kyle's penis Kyle was already teetering on the edge of release. "Slow down, John, I'm not going anywhere." He implored, moving John's hand away. John was panting heavily. He wanted to be inside of Kyle so badly. There wasn't enough blood going to his brain for him to think straight. He reached over and opened the bedside drawer. "Shit." "What?" "I'm out of condoms." Kyle kissed him, leveraging himself on top of John, pulling him down onto the bed. "That's okay. I'm assuming you and Walter were both tested?" John nodded, his eyes closed. "Yeah, I'm clean. I was tested again in rehab since I used IV drugs." He admitted, embarrassed. "Then I trust you." Kyle said, moving down and taking the head of John's penis in his mouth. "Oh God!" John shouted, the heat and warmth and suction overwhelming him. He squirmed and bucked at the incredible sensations Kyle was wringing from his body. It didn't take long. John felt the pressure increasing and new he was about to come. He tried to pull away, giving Kyle a chance to stop if he wished. "Kyle, Kyle, I'm gonna... oh shit..." he saw stars behind his eyes as he bucked upward with his orgasm, hot and cold lightning jolting through his body all at once. Kyle didn't move, or stop. He swallowed John's seed and only let go of John's body once his shaking had stopped. John pulled him up to kiss him, running his hand down the length of Kyle's body. He ran his thumb over the head of his penis, eliciting a moan from deep in Kyle's chest. John reached for the lubricant and warmed a dollop in the palm of his hand before wrapping the hand around the shaft of Kyle's penis, pumping slowly as his mouth lingered on Kyle's chest, sucking his nipples and nuzzling his face in the sparse hair of his chest. He pumped steadily as he kissed and nibbled the man who writhed in his arms. Kyle dug his hands into John's shoulders and arched his back, a low "ahhh" escaping from his mouth as he came. Once the shudders had left Kyle's body John kissed him once more and slipped from the bed, going to get a towel. He brought the towel and a warm wet washcloth back to bed, gently cleaning the semen from Kyle's and his own stomach before drying Kyle and planting a tender kiss right below his navel. Kyle wrapped his arms around John. John relaxed into the embrace, his head tucked under Kyle's chin. He could feel Kyle's heart beating beneath his cheek. The embrace was deliciously warm and intimate. They stayed that way for a long time before Kyle finally spoke. "John, do you want to talk about Walter?" John sighed. "Officially, I can't. The bureau records are classified and all I'm allowed to say is that he's been declared legally dead. I can't talk about the evidence, but it was sufficient for me to believe that it's true. I wish they would release his body for burial, but apparently he's been dead since December and there is no body now." Kyle nodded in understanding. "I can't visit Elizabeth's grave either. It hurts. I wish I could go leave her flowers, or sometimes just go talk to her. One day, when all of this shit is over and I have permanent place to call home I'm going to put up some kind of memorial to her." "Why can't you visit her grave? Is she buried really far away or something?" John felt Kyle's arms tighten around him. "John, I have to tell you something. Elizabeth...she wasn't normal." He very quietly told John the story of Elizabeth's life and death, a few tears escaping from his eyes as he spoke. John didn't respond for several long seconds. When he did, his voice was soft but determined. "Kyle, I'm so sorry. I hate the government for letting all this happen. My friends in DC, the ones that are FBI agents, they knew for years that this was going to happen and no one believed them. Walter knew it too. Mulder was abducted last year. They did things to him, mutated his DNA. I'm so sick of sitting by and let all this happen. I've heard rumors that there are underground groups of dissidents trying to find a way to stop the colonization. I'm seriously considering finding a way to help them." He held Kyle tightly, feeling so close to him. They had both been robbed of their loved ones by the government and the aliens. No wonder they had felt so drawn to one another. Kyle let him go and sat up on the edge of the bed, looking deep in John's eyes. "John, I didn't plan to tell you all this tonight. I just wanted to be here for you, to be with you, but I don't think I'm gonna find a better time to bring it up. I work for one of those dissident groups. I help scientists who are going underground get to safe houses and kinda help them vanish. I also work as a courier for information between the labs. I'm currently working on bringing in some scientists here in Chicago to a base of sorts in DC." "Wow. I had no idea. I can't believe you didn't run in the other direction when I told you that Walter was with the FBI." Kyle took his hand, running his thumb over the knuckles. "The reason I didn't is I knew who Walter Skinner was the minute you said his name. John, I also know your friend Fox Mulder. My father was part of the consortium he worked so hard to expose. My father knew Spender and Mulder's father Bill." John froze. "So, is that why you got involved with me? Is that why you're here, to get to Mulder somehow?" he thought of Moira and her immunity to the alien viruses. He stood, reaching to pull on his jeans. "Are you trying to get to the baby to experiment on her some more? Mulder and Dana already did everything they could to make the vaccine. No one is going to touch Moira." Kyle stood and put his hands on John's shoulders. John shrugged him off. "John, no! I met you by total coincidence. Look, John, Mulder already came to see me. I assured him that no one was trying to use him or his family. I probably should have run in the other direction when I met you, but I couldn't. I was so lonely, and you are so kind and smart and handsome and I was so fucking attracted to you the minute I saw you. And now I'm not just attracted to you, I care about you. Please John, believe me." His eyes were pleading and sincere. John wanted to believe him. He didn't want to lose him. And if Mulder had believed him then maybe he was telling the truth. If Mulder hadn't believed him he would have told John all of this. "Why didn't Mulder tell me all of this while I was in DC?" "I asked him not to. I felt it was my place to do it. I wanted to be honest with you, but it's not like everybody spills every skeleton in their closet the first few times they go out with someone new. And you were hurting so much John, I wanted to be there for you, not get you all bogged down in my personal shit too." John let Kyle pull him into a tight embrace. "John, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm telling you everything I can without compromising my work. Please believe me. I don't want to hurt you. I would never hurt your friends. We asked Mulder to join us, yes. They are really interested in getting Dr. Scully on board, but if they don't seek us out we won't ask again. We're trying to give people back freedom, not help take even more of it away." John rested his head on Kyle's shoulder. "I believe you. It's just a lot to take in at once." Kyle stroked the top of his head. "I don't want any secrets between us John. I have hopes that maybe when you can start thinking about your future again I'll be in it. I really care for you. As soon as I knew this was more than just a fling I knew I would tell you everything, but it didn't seem prudent to do it over the telephone." "Kyle, I care about you too. But I need time. This isn't just a fling, but I don't know what it is yet. I just can't see making the same kind of commitment to anyone else that I had with Walter, not right now. Can you understand?" "Yeah, I can. We'll do what we said; we'll be honest with each other and take things as they come. But I'll be here, I promise." He smiled gently. "So every time we go to bed you don't have to act like it's the last meal of a starving man." John laughed. "Can I help it if I can't keep my hands off of you?" Kyle laughed and hugged him tighter. "It's kinda cute. You're like a hormonal teenager. It's very flattering." "So dad, since I ate a full meal can I have a beer? Just one?" John pleaded. He wondered when he was going to be "recovered" long enough that anyone would trust him to at least have alcohol, which wasn't what he'd even been addicted to in the first place. "Yeah, let me get some clothes on and I'll going you." They dressed and went upstairs to retrieve a couple of beers from the refrigerator. They sat on the sofa and watched a basketball game and talked. John told Kyle of his long-term plan to eventually move to DC as soon as he got a permanent job. "I could help you with your rent and stuff if you want to go ahead and move. In a couple of months I'll be out there permanently myself. Well, semi permanently. With what I do I end up bouncing between two states at one time while I facilitate the move and help set up facilities. Last time it was LA to Chicago. Sometimes the people trying to go underground have to bounce around a lot to avoid detection; sometimes people put private eyes on their tails. Especially if they were in a position to have any sensitive information." He took John's hand. "But if DC is your home it's mine too. I think my home is wherever you are, John Carter." John couldn't respond. His throat was tight with emotion. He couldn't believe how willing Kyle was to put his heart on his sleeve and offer it to John. John wished he could open up enough to do the same, but his heart screamed that he just couldn't do that yet. Time. He just needed time. Kyle spent the night and left early in the morning, before Kerry woke. It had felt wonderful to John to go to sleep with someone's arms around him. He slept deeply and dreamlessly. It was a comfort after so many nightmares in the past few months. Kyle kissed him tenderly and brushed John's hair from his face as he prepared to leave. "What's your work schedule like?" "Surprisingly humane. Two 7p's to 7a's, then three 3 to 11's then two days off." "So you don't go in tonight until seven? Wanna do lunch? Or dinner? I could meet you at that place across the street from the hospital." "Doc Magoo's? Sure, why don't we meet about five?" "Great. See you then." He smiled at John from the door and closed it behind him. John rolled over onto the spot where Kyle had slept, enjoying the warmth and smell Kyle had left behind. He yawned and settled back to sleep. As soon as he woke up again at 10am he called Mulder's office. "Mulder, why didn't you tell me about Kyle?" Mulder sighed. "He asked me not to. He wanted to tell you everything himself. I'm assuming he did." "Yes, he told me everything last night. I just wanted to make sure you really think he's on the up and up." "Yes, I do. I've done some investigating of my own and everything he told me pans out. The only problem I have now is talking Scully out of going to work for that lab. She's all gung-ho about it." "Mulder, I'm giving it serious thought myself. We have to do something." "John, stop. There are ears everywhere. Some things are better discussed in person." John assumed that meant Mulder thought his line was bugged, and dropped the subject. "Okay, I won't be back your way for about a week. Keep an eye on the place, okay? Oh, and could you go by the dry cleaners and pick up Walter's shirts? And don't tell Dana about that." "Sure man, no problem. I'll pick them up and hang them in the closet." "Thanks. I know I have to do something with his things, I'm just not sure what yet. It feels too soon." "Then don't do anything you aren't ready for. Just wait until it feels like the right thing to do." "Yeah, that's what everyone keeps telling me. I guess I just don't like feeling like I'm always waiting. Waiting til I'm ready, waiting til it feels right. I'm ready for something to feel right again. It hasn't for so long." "John, you're being way too hard on yourself. Stop pushing- that won't accomplish anything. You're not gonna recover from losing everything in just a couple of months. I know I didn't." Mulder didn't talk much about his abduction. He didn't remember much of what had been done to him, and he seemed to just be so damned grateful that he was home that he put the whole thing behind him. "At least you came back though. Walter isn't." "Yeah, but I had no idea I was ever coming back until I woke up walking down the interstate in Oregon. And the telepathy; it was pure hell being able to read Moira's perceptions of her in utero life and thinking I would never see her. And knowing how tormented Dana was, and not being able to reach out to her. It was hell. Pure hell. Dante` couldn't have come up with anything worse." John felt a pang of sympathy for his friend. Sometimes he got so wrapped up in his own shit that he forgot how many millions of people were suffering right now. And how much people like Mulder and Kyle had suffered for years before the rest of the world even knew the truth. "That must have been awful." "Yeah, but that's a story for another day." Mulder said briskly. "I've gotta run, man. I'll talk to you soon." "Okay man, later." John hung up the phone. He hated that he had dredged up such upsetting issues for Mulder, but he felt a lot better about the situation with Kyle knowing that Mulder approved of him. When John got to Doc Magoo's at quarter til five the place was packed. Several of his coworkers were sharing a table and hailed him over. "Carter, where the hell have you been? You practically disappeared on us." Dave Malucci said. "Well, I'm moonlight in another state. I'm either working or on a plane to go to work somewhere." "I heard that the authorities have declared Walter legally dead. I'm really sorry, man." "Yeah, well, it's definitely not what I wanted to hear, but it's better than not knowing what happened to him." John replied. "John, why do you keep staring at the door?" Mark Greene asked. "Are you waiting for someone?" John blushed to the tips of his toes. "Yes, I am. His name is Kyle. He's a friend of mine." "Is that the same guy Deb Chen said came looking for you a couple of weeks ago?" Dave asked. John's hands suddenly felt clammy. "Yeah, that's him." Mark smiled. "So is this a friend, or a friend "friend" Carter?" John laughed awkwardly, silently planning his friend's untimely deaths. "You guys are such assholes. This is not Jerry Springer. My personal life is none of your business." Dave laughed, slapping his hand on the table. "You are busted, Carter! This isn't just a friend, this is a date. So how long have you been seeing him?" "Dave, how 'bout I break your face? Yes, alright, he's more than just a friend. I've been seeing him a couple of weeks and if you ask me another fucking question or act like a shithead in front of him I'm going to fix it so that no trauma team in the state can put you back together." As John spoke he saw Kyle come in the door. He waved him over, scooting his chair over to make room for Kyle to sit. He stood as Kyle came over to the table. "Kyle Bates, this is the Doctors Dave Malucci and Mark Greene, and Randi, our desk clerk, who has been thankfully quiet this evening. Everyone, this is Kyle." Kyle shook hands with everyone and sat down next to John. "How did you sleep?" Kyle asked in a low voice for only John to hear. John smiled, squeezing his hand under the table. "Just great. Let's eat. I'm starving." Mercifully John's coworkers excused themselves when John and Kyle's food came. "So did I pass inspection?" Kyle joked. "I think so. One thing you'll learn about people who work in hospitals is there are no secrets, from the surgeons to the janitors everyone knows everyone else's business. By time I get to work everyone in the whole ER and probably surgery will know I've got a boyfriend." Kyle grinned boyishly. "Does that mean I've officially made it to boyfriend status?" John kicked him playfully under the table, grinning. "Yeah, I think so. You feed me pretty well and you're an incredible kisser." Kyle was still smiling, but his eyes were serious. "John, I don't plan to see anyone else. I don't want to be with anyone with you. If that's not what you're looking for, I hope you'll tell me." "I don't plan to see anyone else either. I want to be with you Kyle. I think declaring this a monogamous relationship from here on in would make me happy. Do you agree?" "Agreed." Kyle said, a sunny grin breaking out on his face. John was pleased to have made Kyle so obviously happy. He looked down at his hands, noticing again the gold band on his left hand. He wondered if he should take it off, but he couldn't stand the thought. He also wondered if it bothered Kyle for him to still be wearing it. He noticed Kyle no longer had on a wedding band. Maybe he should put it on a chain and wear it around his neck. After dinner they walked out to Kyle's car and stole a couple of quick kisses when no one was looking before John went in to take report. John's heart felt light for the first time in months when he entered the ER. God help him and Walter forgive him, but he was actually happy. End part 3 Losing everything part 4 By DeathStryke Dana Scully sat at her kitchen table, surrounded by piles of reports that required her signature or some other detail, a cup of coffee growing cold next to her laptop. She was lost in thought. Her conversation with her husband about the network of rebel scientists had dominated her thoughts for days now. Everything in her screamed that joining them was the right thing to do. Her family had suffered so much at the hands of the aliens and the human traitors who had facilitated their colonization of earth. If she wanted her daughter to have a future they had to do something. The government most certainly would not. They had too eagerly accepted the "gifts" the aliens brought; genetic research lifetimes ahead of human capability that produced crops immune to any fungus or parasites, cures to diseases such as leukemia and sickle cell anemia. She supposed it made it easier for them to believe that the aliens were offering humanitarian aid instead of taking over the planet. Mulder didn't want her to do it. After his years of fighting to uncover the truth of this conspiracy, risking both of their lives numerous times in the process, he was now a man simply terrified of losing his family. But she knew him better than he knew himself. She knew he longed to do something to stop this, or at least resist it. But each time they looked at Moira they were stopped short by the realization that it was no longer just their own lives they risked. But if they didn't fight back Moira might have no future at all. Nor would any other man, woman or child on the face of the earth. She and Mulder had lost siblings, parents, and friends to stop this from happening. They couldn't stop now. Moira was no safer with them passively standing by and letting aliens take away their home, their freedom. They owed her more than that. They owed it to Samantha, Melissa, Bill Mulder and Walter Skinner. She picked up the telephone and punched in a number. "John, it's Dana. Can I have Kyle Bates' cell phone number? I need to talk to him about something he said to Mulder last week." She jotted the number down as John Carter called it off. "Yes John, I'll be careful. Take care." She hung up the phone and stared at the telephone number for a long minute, making her decision. She dialed the number. "Kyle, hello, this is Dana Scully. I'd like to talk to you about your meeting with my husband last week. Yes, this line is secure. I'd like to meet with Dr. Parish about and talk to her about what kind of assistance I can offer from my end." Kyle told her to meet Dr. Parish at a coffee shop in a less than affluent part of town. She wrote down the address and told him she would meet the other woman there in two hours. She considered calling her mother to stay with the baby, but she felt safer taking her along. Margaret Scully was a woman in her early sixties with a touch of arthritis and osteoporosis; Dana was a woman with a semi automatic handgun. It was an easy choice to make. She nursed the baby and changed her diaper before swaddling her in her fleece bunting. She stuck her cell phone and car keys in the diaper bag and her weapon in the shoulder holster before shrugging into a linen jacket. Sweaters just didn't hide the holster as well as jackets did. She left Mulder a brief note that she would be home in a few hours and locked the door to the apartment. Scully watched carefully to make sure she wasn't being tailed as she drove through town. After a few miles she was satisfied that no one was following her. She found the coffee shop, a nondescript restaurant that looked like the many others owned by the same food service company. She lugged the baby, car seat and all, into the restaurant. A sleeping Moira was not a creature one wanted to disturb, especially when you wanted to avoid attention. She saw a blonde woman about her size sitting in a booth in the back. She wore a turtleneck sweater and her hair up in a bun, her wire rim glasses slipping down her nose as she read from a book. Scully approached her carefully and asked in a low voice "Dr. Parish?" The woman looked up and smiled. She looked closer to Dana's age than the 45 she actually was. "Yes, I'm Dr. Parish. You must be Dr. Scully, and this little darling must be Moira." "Yes, but please, Dana is fine. I'm so used to Agent Scully that I might not answer if you call me Dr. Scully." "And call me Julie, please. I still think of Dr. Parish as my father, not me." A waitress approached and both women ordered coffee. "Dr. Parish, I wanted to talk to you about some of the things my husband told me you discussed with him about your organization." She spoke in a low tone, keeping her expression blank. "I want to help, but I need to know what exactly that entails." Julie Parish pushed her glasses up her nose, stirring cream into her coffee. "That depends on how involved you want to be. I started out just slipping information and some supplies out of my own labs at UCLA, but they were on to me and I had to go underground. I've been bouncing all over the country for the last few months to keep them from finding this lab. But in a way I'm glad to be fully committed now. It's hard leading a double life, having to look over your shoulder every moment. I don't have access to all of the resources I did before, but Kyle has a knack for making sure we get what we need." "What kind of work are you doing exactly?" "Right now I'm studying the gene mutations in abductees trying to find some kind of pattern to the mutations. We're going to attempt the same mutations in lab animals and see what kind of results we get. Some of the mutations don't make any sense. They seem harmless, but they aren't patterns that are normal for human DNA so we just can't know for sure." Dana looked at her, the two pairs of blue eyes reading each other carefully. "You know both my husband and myself have been abducted, and he expresses some of these abnormal gene patterns you're talking about." Julie nodded. "Yes, I knew that. One area I hope to study is the cancer that is caused by the removal of the implants. I suspect that nanocyte technology was utilized, but I need some humans who have had the cancer to study. Not many are willing to come forward and be experimented on again. One can hardly blame them, but the only way we're going to uncover what the aliens plan to do with us is to figure out what purpose these genetic mutations serve." "I'd be fine with giving you a blood sample. I don't know how much help I can be in your genetic research other than that. I'm an MD, not a geneticist." "You could learn, and your expertise in forensics would be better than nothing. There aren't many of us, and an extra pair of hands always gets the work done quicker. Your husband would be a lot of help too. His knowledge of the consortium and his immunity to the black oil would be invaluable, as well as the opportunity to study his DNA." "I'm not sure if we're ready to consider going underground. I mean, we've always been under suspicion. The FBI's most unwanted." She smiled. "I was given the impression that your husband at least has gotten away with a lot of what he does because he is afforded a certain amount of protection by Spender." Dana looked down into her cup. "Yes, that's true. And one never knows when he'll decide he no longer feels generous and we'll both be dead. Or Mulder's brain will be used as a human translator for the aliens to read our thoughts through him. That could be a potential security risk for you." Julie nodded in agreement. "Yes, it could be. So why don't we start with just some blood samples from the two of you if you don't mind? We can make arrangements for other assistance you might be able to provide through Kyle. It'll look less suspicious since Kyle is dating your young doctor friend." "Is that why Kyle is dating John? To facilitate this communication with us?" Julie sighed. "No, Dana, I can assure that while their meeting has certainly been beneficial it was entirely accidental. I think Kyle is falling in love with John, which concerns me a great deal. I doubt John is ready for such a commitment yet, but Kyle has spent most of his life committed to things he couldn't touch and he's desperate to be loved." "You mean Elizabeth Maxwell. Mulder told me about her. I have to ask you, Julie, do you have DNA samples from her? If I gave you a sample from Moira could you compare them to see if they have any of the same abnormalities?" "Yes, I could do that. But I don't think you have anything to worry about. Your baby is what, a couple of months old? Elizabeth was the six of a five or six year old by that age." "I would still feel better if you did a comparative analysis. With Moira's dual immunities, we've been concerned that there could be other abnormalities." "No problem. I would be glad to do so. I wanted a sample from her anyway, but I certainly wasn't going to ask you to do that. There's only so much a mother can be asked to do." Dana smiled again. She liked the woman already. She was compassionate and understanding. "I have some EDTA tubes at home. I can do the blood draws there and have Mulder bring them over. I think that's safer than bringing Moira to your lab. I'm sure the fewer people that know where it is the better." "Yes. There is one more thing you could do if you're willing to consider it. Elizabeth's mother, Robin, is living at the lab. If you were to hire her as a housekeeper or a nanny that would give her a pretext to move about in the city and would make it easier for her to move information back and forth between us. Kyle isn't always readily available. Sometimes he's in transit or out of communication entirely depending on what he's doing." She sighed. "And he's worked so damned hard for the last couple of years, I'd love to let him take a break and just spend time with John, which is all he seems to want to do lately." Dana sipped at her coffee. "I'll discuss it with Mulder. If she was willing to do some babysitting I could get a lot more work done at home. You know, I think Kyle is good for John. John's been so depressed for months, he was really sliding downhill quickly. But Kyle seems to make him happy. John's young and he'll find love again, but there's no convincing him of that." "That reminds me so much of Kyle last year. He finally met someone and dated him for a while, but Kyle was in the thick of things and always on the move and the guy thought Kyle was cheating on him or something, so they broke up. But he talks about John all the time. I'm just hoping he doesn't get his heart broken. He's so fragile in a way. Losing Elizabeth hurt him so much. His dedication to her was incredible." Moira interrupted with a plaintive cry. "Oh boy, that's a milk cry." Dana said, discreetly hitching up her shirt just enough to put the baby to her breast. "It's great that you're breastfeeding, it's so much healthier for the baby." Julie commented. Dana smirked. "Yeah, especially when all the baby formulas are made with corn syrup from the new alien genetically enhanced corn. No Frankenfood for us, thanks." Julie laughed. "I like you, Dana. It's been such a long time since I've been able to talk with anyone who gave a damn about medicine. I'm alone in my lab with an ex CIA operative, a bored as hell medieval history student, and a love-struck millionaire. I met a guy about a year ago that I really clicked with, but he's in hiding right now. He's wanted for questioning by the authorities for sabotaging some news broadcasts at the teevee station where he worked. I don't know when I'll get to see him again." "Well, I need to get going. I didn't tell Mulder where I was going and he'll be worried. I'll make arrangements to get the blood samples to you in the next few days. Is calling Kyle the best way to reach you?" "Yes, we don't have a phone at the facilities. We have electricity, but it's only hooked up in the lab. We use kerosene lamps and heaters in the living quarters. We don't want the power company to notice the meter is running there again, as Kyle and Tyler used some creative engineering to hook the power back up." She stood to shake Dana's hand. "It was really great to meet you. I hope to hear from you soon." "You will, I promise." Dana buckled the baby back in her seat and departed the restaurant, checking carefully again to make sure they had not been watched. When she arrived home Mulder was waiting for her. "Where ya been Scully? I was getting worried about you." She put Moira in her bassinette and watched the look of concern on Mulder's face as she removed her gun and holster. "I met with Dr. Parish." His expression was neutral, but his eyes went dark. She knew immediately that he was upset. "And you took the baby with you?" "Yes, I did. If I can't leave her with you or John I'd rather not leave her at all. Dr. Parish is doing some research on the alien genetic mutations, and she'd like blood samples from all three of us. I told her we'd do it." Mulder sighed and flipped the grilled cheese sandwiches he was cooking. "I know it's the right thing to do, but I hate subjecting you and Moira to more tests. You've been through enough." Scully came up behind him and leaned in so her cheek was against his back. "But if we don't do it we may go through a hell of a lot more before this is over. And it may not ever be over. We have a responsibility to do what we can to put an end to this. She also asked us to consider hiring one of their members as some sort of household help to give her a cover for transporting information in and out of the city. I could use someone to watch Moira while I get some work done. If I can keep my bureau work up to date then Kersh and Doggett won't suspect I'm doing anything behind their backs, and I won't have to go into the office as much. I think it's a good idea." "Who is it? Not that under cover op with the machine gun?" "No, it's Robin Maxwell, Elizabeth's mother." "Don't you think that will be a little awkward for John?" he asked as he slid the sandwiches onto a plate. Even working from home part time now this was about as far as his cooking repertoire had expanded. "It might be, but John will have to live with Elizabeth's ghost just as Kyle will have to live with Walter's. It's not like neither of them is bringing any emotional baggage into this relationship. And if I do end up doing research for them, it would be safer to send it by hand than over the phone lines." She took him by the arm and turned him to face her, her blue eyes looking gravely into his hazel ones. "Mulder, I have to do this. We have to do this. It's the right thing to do. We have to put aside our fears about what's already been done to us and think about what could still be done to us if we don't find a way to stop it." He put his arms around her. "As usual, you're right. I know you're right, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm scared shitless over the idea of losing you or Moira. And what about the fact that the aliens can use my brain as a radio anytime they see fit? Won't that make me a security risk, not to mention the fact that having it done to me fucking sucks." "Julie and I discussed that. But you already know where their base is, and when they're using you you can read the thoughts of anyone in your proximity, which would mean you could tap into me, John, Kyle, and later even Moira. You can't control it. It's just a chance we'll have to take. I'll find a way to get some IV supplies and Depakote and Dilantin so we can head it off at the pass if it happens again." Mulder gave her a sarcastic grin. "You mean I shouldn't just wear an aluminum foil hat all the time? I read in the Illuminati that's supposed to work." She gave him a gentle shove and scowled jokingly, going to the refrigerator to make a salad so she didn't have to eat the butter- laden sandwiches he had made for dinner. It had only been an hour into John's shift when the call came asking him to interview for an attending ER position at Georgetown Memorial. He hastily made plans with the ER director to conduct the interview on Thursday, his next day off at County General. John didn't know if he could last the two days until then. He was so happy he was floating. Over the course of the evening his thoughts sobered as he wondered how he could spend time with Kyle while he was living in the home he had shared with Walter. He just couldn't bring Kyle there. He couldn't make love with him in the bed he and Walter had bought together and christened over and over again with their passion. The townhouse was just as Walter had left it, holding vigil for all of John's hopes that Walter would come home and all would be as it had been before. John was still waiting to realize that wasn't going to happen. It hit him in little waves, lapping at the edge of his heart and mind. He kept waiting for some immense revelation that would allow him to accept it, but it came in smaller packages. Phone calls that didn't come, an email he would write and then realize Walter would never receive. Life insurance forms the FBI sent him to fill out as Walter's next of kin. All small, painful reminders of the truth, but not enough for him to fully believe this all wasn't some terrible dream he would wake up from soon. The only time he really believed Walter was gone forever was when he was with Kyle, because he wouldn't be with Kyle if there were any chance he would ever see Walter alive again. John went through the rest of his shift in a daze, his emotions muddled. Part of him was blatantly elated at the possibility of an attending position, and the prospect of starting over in DC, but he was also saddened at all he would be leaving behind. He loved Chicago, fucking terrible weather and all. He'd grown up here. But he knew it was time to move on. He couldn't live in Kerry Weaver's basement forever. He had to face the townhouse and the memories it held and try to make it his home even without Walter. By Thursday John was a nervous wreck when he boarded the plane. He wanted a drink so badly, but common sense won out of his frazzled nerves. He tried to nap on the short flight but all he could do was fidget in his seat like a child waiting for Christmas morning. He took a cab from the airport to the hospital. He didn't want to have to face Mulder or Scully if the interview went poorly. He readjusted the knot in his tie a dozen times during the short ride. His collar felt too tight and he felt overdressed in his best suit. John's style was a bit more Eddie Bauer than Armani. The director offered John the job on the spot. It took John less than a heartbeat to say yes. He had two weeks to pack up his life in Chicago and start full time at Georgetown. He took a cab to the townhouse and was glad to see the FBI fleet car was still there. Mulder must have forgotten to send someone to pick it up. John was relieved that it started after sitting unused for 5 months. He drove to Mulder and Scully's to find Margaret Scully there with Moira. "Hi Maggie, where are Mulder and Dana?" "They're both at the office for some meeting. How are you John? You've actually got some color in your cheeks. You look happy. I'm glad to see you smiling again. I know how hard it's been for you since Walter disappeared." "Yeah, I have something to celebrate for once. I got an attending position at Georgetown, so I'll be moving here permanently. This was what Walter and I had been planning all along." "Congratulations John, that's wonderful news." Maggie leaned down to pick the baby up from her bouncy seat. "Isn't that great, Pumpkin? Uncle John is going to live here all the time so you have Granny and Uncle John to spoil you rotten." She cooed at the baby. John felt the familiar sadness encroaching that Moira would never get spoiled by her Uncle Walter, who would have loved her so much. He wondered if every good thing that every happened to him would be tainted by the fact that Walter wasn't there to enjoy it with him. "Maggie, you can push off if you want to. I'll stay here with Moira. Moira and Uncle John have lots of playing to do, don't we darling?" he grinned at the baby and got an impressive spit bubble in return. "Well, Fox and Dana should be home by five and I do have some errands to run, so I think I'll take you up on your offer. She's just had a bottle and been changed, so she should conk out on you pretty soon." She handed her little granddaughter off to John and reached for her coat. "Thank you John, I hope to see you soon now that you'll be moving here." "You too Maggie. Drive safely." John settled onto the couch with the baby in his lap, watching her coo and gurgle and wave her tiny pink fists in the air. "Moira, are you Uncle John's best girlfriend? Yes you are sweetheart. Just you wait, Uncle John is gonna teach you to play basketball even better than your daddy. He thinks he's so good cause he's taller than everyone else, but we'll show him. And you're gonna grow up and do something really important, but nothing to do with the government or Uncle John will break your daddy's kneecaps." He nuzzled his cheek against the baby's velvety soft head, luxuriating in the sweet innocence of her company. He couldn't have loved her more if she were his own. As Margaret Scully predicted Moira was soon asleep in John's lap. John carefully slipped his cell phone out of his pocket and punched in Kyle's number, anxious to share his good news with someone. "Bates." Kyle answered. "Kyle, it's John." "Oh, wow, John, I'm so glad you called. I miss you like crazy. How are you? Where are you?" "I'm in D.C. I've got great news. I got the attending job. I'll be moving here permanently." "That is great news." He lowered his voice and whispered in a hushed tone. "I really miss you, John. I'd like to throw you on the nearest piece of furniture and ravish you." The very thought made John's heart beat faster. "Sounds lovely. When are we going to be able to see each other again?" "Well, as luck would have it I'm across town from you right now. Would you like to meet somewhere?" John groaned. "Oh, I can't. I'm babysitting Moira til five." "Then how bout I come over there?" John wondered fleeting in Mulder and Dana would mind before answering. "Sure. Let me give you the address." They hung up with plans to meet in half an hour. John moved Moira from his lap to her bassinette, and wheeled the bassinette carefully into the nursery. He turned on the baby monitor and turned it up load enough that he could hear her breathe from the receiving end in the living room. He helped himself to a beer from the fridge and sat down to wait for Kyle. A half hour passed before Kyle knocked on the door. Kyle whistled when Kyle answered the door. "Whoa, Doctor Carter, Armani suits you, literally. You look incredible." John blushed. "Thanks. I've been dying to get back into some jeans, but the look on your face made it worth staying in the monkey suit for a while." Kyle closed the door and pulled John into his arms, kissing him deeply and thoroughly until John's head swam and his erection strained against his gray wool suit pants. "Oh God." John moaned when he came up for air. "How do you do that Kyle? There's no documented medical evidence that you can liquefy someone's bones..." Kyle didn't give him time to answer. He pulled John down onto the black leather sofa and undid his tie and the first three buttons of his shirt. He left a trail of fiery hot kisses from John's ear to his collar bone. John wanted nothing more than to lose himself in Kyle completely. He stood silently and removed his jacket and vest. Kyle stood in front of him and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, sliding the starched white cotton from John's shoulders and hanging it carefully over the back of a chair. John pulled at Kyle's leather jacket, whispering in his ear "You, naked, now." Kyle nodded mutely and complied quickly. Soon both men were down to their underwear and wrestling passionately on the couch, hungry for one another's touch. John had learned that he loved a particular trait of Kyle's that Walter had not shared; he liked to talk during sex. "My God John, you are so sexy." Kyle panted in John's ear while he ran the pads of his thumbs over his nipples. "You have no clue what you do to me. You make me crazy. I can't stop thinking about you." John gasped, panting heavily. He slid his hand down Kyle's belly and past the waistband of his briefs. Kyle groaned and John grinned slyly in satisfaction. He gently rubbed the head of Kyle's penis until Kyle was thrusting against John's hip, chanting his name. "If you want to make love I have get up and get a condom." John whispered in Kyle's ear, running his tongue along the lobe. Kyle shivered. "No, I trust you. I don't want to feel anything but you." John chuckled, his voice deep and throaty. "I still have to get up and find some lube Sweetheart." Kyle kissed him again and released him. John padded into the bathroom and rummaged in the medicine cabinet. Nothing. He went to Mulder and Scully's bedroom, all too conscious of the fact that he was running naked around his best friends' apartment. He looked in their bedside drawer and laughed when he found a bottle of banana crme flavored Motion Lotion. He couldn't imagine the two of them doing anything remotely kinky; using this was probably their idea of a wild time. He took the bottle back to the living room and dangled it in front of Kyle. "I think we should see if it's really banana flavored." He teased. Kyle grinned. "But not on the leather couch. I don't think your friends would appreciate that." John grinned, spreading a blanket from the back of the couch on the floor. "I think Moira was conceived on that couch, actually." He drew Kyle down onto the floor and rolled him onto his back, rubbing the lotion into his back, then licking and kissing his way down the man's spine. The stuff didn't taste half bad, and the small moans and shivers from Kyle only made John's own desire grown. He pressed his penis into the cleft between Kyle's buttocks at he devoured his shoulders and back. "John, Jesus, please." Kyle moaned as John spread the lubricant between his buttocks and gently inserted two fingers into his anus. John found him relaxed and ready. "On your hands and knees." John instructed, his breath coming hot and fast. Kyle complied and in one motion John entered him, grasping Kyle's hips with all his strength. Kyle pushed back to take him further inside. Their lovemaking was slow and gentle, with Kyle whispering loving things to John and John responding in turn with things he'd never said before to anyone. He was giddy with the powerful feeling of Kyle's responses to his touch. John climaxed then used his hand to help Kyle find release. Both were exhausted and panting from exertion on the green chenille blanket before long, holding one another as they quaked and shivered from the adrenaline coursing through them. John held Kyle tightly, realizing with wonder how much he had come to depend on the other man in such a short period of time. He really cared about him. He hoped Kyle realized it, because he just couldn't bring himself to say the words yet. He kissed Kyle's brow tenderly, hoping the gesture conveyed his feelings. They both stiffened when they heard a key turn in the lock. John looked up at the clock on the wall and realized it was 5:15. "Oh fuck, it's Mulder and Dana." When Mulder opened the door to his apartment his saw two naked men streak past him and slam the bathroom door behind them. He pulled his tech 9 from it's holster and stepped carefully into the apartment. He moved silently down the hallway, gesturing for Dana to go in the nursery with the baby. He approached the bathroom door and called out "FBI, come out with your hands up. If you have a weapon, open the door and kick it out." A trembling voice responded. "Mulder, it's John. I'm in here with Kyle." Mulder was trying hard not to burst into laughter, but lost any vestige of control when Scully approached him, holding out the bottle of Motion Lotion she'd found on the floor. He leaned against the wall, laughing so hard tears welled up in his eyes. John opened the door just a crack. "Mulder, could you please hand us our clothes?" he asked contritely. Mulder wiped at the tears pooling in the corners of his eyes, snorting in his effort to stop laughing. "Did you fuck on my leather couch? That banana stuff will leave a stain." John turned an impossible shade of red. "No, but you might want to throw that blanket on the floor in the wash. We didn't realize how late it was. I'm so sorry." Still laughing, Mulder went to the living room and retrieved the clothes scattered all over the living room floor. He noticed John's wool Armani suit draped over the back of Scully's desk chair. "Hey John," he called down the hallway. "Do you want your suit or do you want some sweats?" "Sweats please." John yelled back. Mulder got the sweats from his dresser drawer and went back to the bathroom door. He heard the shower running. "I'm gonna open the door, close my eyes, and toss your clothes in." he said. "One, two, three!" and on three he opened the door wide enough to toss the clothes on top of the hamper and shut it tight behind him. A few minutes later two considerably embarrassed men came out of the bathroom and into the living room. Mulder and Scully were sitting on the couch, mirthful smiles on both their faces. "Did we interrupt something?" Scully asked innocently. Kyle extended his hand to her. "Hello Dr. Scully, I'm Kyle. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Dana took his hand. "You too, Kyle, though I must confess I didn't expect to see quite so much of you on our first meeting." He blushed four different shades of red. "Julie told me to thank you for sending the blood samples. She'll let you know if anything turns up. She also said Robin will be coming by tomorrow around 4pm. If that's a problem let me know and we'll make other arrangements." "No, that's just fine. John, we spent the afternoon in Kersh's office wrapping up the paperwork on Walter's case. He's officially legally dead. I brought you copies of all the paper work. You should be getting a check from his pension fund and life insurance in a few weeks." John sobered, and looked grateful when Kyle gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm planning on putting the money in a trust for Moira's college education. Walter would have wanted that." Dana watched the silent exchange between the two young men, and gave her husband a knowing look. She'd looked at Mulder like that for almost ten years now. John was falling for Kyle Bates, and falling hard. "Kyle, would you like to stay for dinner?" Scully asked. "Sure, I'd love to." He replied. The baby cried in the next room. "I'll get her." John said, going to retrieve her. He carried her back into the living room and handed her to her mother. "She's trying to latch onto my shirt, Scully, I think she's hungry." Dana lifted her shirt and let the rooting baby latch onto her breast. Moira gulped hungrily. "She's not the only one who's hungry." Mulder said, grinning goofily at his daughter. "What will you guys have? Tuna fish, grilled cheese or we can order a pizza." Half an hour later they were all sitting around chatting while eating pizza and drinking beers. John was happy to be out in public with Kyle, glad that he had his closest friend's approval of the relationship. It was nice to hold someone's hand in public again. Two weeks later John's relationship with Kyle was officially out of the closet. John invited Kyle to come to his farewell party at County General and Kyle gladly accepted. The event was tearful on both John and his co worker's parts. He really was going to miss them all. He felt like he had grown up there. He noted sadly that Lucy Knight should have been there too. Wherever she was, he hoped she and Walter were in a better place. After leaving the party John spent his last night in Kerry Weaver's basement. He and Kyle made love on the narrow twin bed and fell asleep in each other's arms. Before John drifted off he could swear he heard Kyle whisper "I love you." In his ear. John eased into a deep and peaceful sleep. It was a crisp clear Saturday at the end of March when John packed the last of his belongings into the Montero and prepared to leave Chicago. Kerry Weaver hugged him tightly with tears in her eyes. "Please don't be a stranger John. Keep in touch." "I will." He promised. "You've been great Kerry. You've been a wonderful teacher and more of a friend than I deserved sometimes." He kissed her on the forehead. "Thank you for everything." John made the drive with a cloud of melancholy hanging over him. He was starting a new life, but he wasn't sure he was ready to leave the old one behind. Kyle was definitely more than just a casual part of his life now, but John still hadn't invited him to the townhouse. It still felt like Walter's space, and John still wanted to feel as close to Walter as possible. The sky was shimmering with pink predawn light when John arrived in D.C. He pulled back the deck curtains and watched the sun come up, deciding the boxes in the car could wait until later. It was just a few changes of clothes, some cds and a bunch of medical journals anyway. During the long quiet drive he'd made a decision. It had been the hardest thing he'd ever done in his entire life. Now all he had to do was wait for a socially acceptable hour to call Dana Scully and ask her help in executing it. Later that afternoon Dana arrived with the baby in tow and the back of her car full of empty cardboard boxes. John unloaded the boxes and carried them upstairs to the bedroom. Dana followed him, laying the baby on the bed to finish her nap. John opened the closet door and was engulfed in the smell of Walter that washed over him from the clothes hanging in the closet. John took the sleeve of a shirt and held it to his nose, inhaling deeply. A lone tear weaved it's way down his cheek. "Are you really ready to do this John?" Dana asked tenderly. John was trembling all over. He nodded. "Yeah, I have to do this. It's time. I can't keep renting hotel rooms to spend time with Kyle because I can't handle bringing him here. I have to do something." Dana sat down on the edge of the bed. "You know, a few weeks after Mulder disappeared I packed up some of his things in the office, including his nameplate off his desk. It wasn't that I didn't want them there; I did more than anything in the world. I wanted to sit and look at them all day and think of him. I wanted it all to be just like he'd left it so I could pretend he'd just gone for coffee and would be back any second. That's exactly why I had to put those things away. I didn't get rid of them, but I had to put them where I couldn't see them. Things were different, and I had to do something to remind myself of that or I would have sat there at his desk and daydreamed all day. They say the outer reflects the inner; maybe it's true. Maybe you have to change the outer to let the inner accept the change." John nodded again, understanding the jist of what she was saying. Perhaps in order to accept that Walter was gone he had to stop keeping the townhouse arranged as a picture of their life together. He wasn't ready to redecorate or anything of the sort, and the thought of cleaning out Walter's study made him physically ill, but he'd gone to the hardware store earlier then came home and spackled over the bullet holes in the wall downstairs. Dana had come to help him pack up Walter's clothes in the closet. They went about their task somberly, meticulously folding Walter's shirts and suit pants and jackets, John labeling each box with the exact contents before moving them to the downstairs closet. John went through the dresser drawers and kept most of the sweats and tee shirts for himself, packing away the socks and sweaters and underwear and ties. He went to the antique box on the dresser and fished out the engagement ring that had once belonged to Sharon Skinner. He handed it to Dana. "This if for Moira. You can keep it safe until she's ready to wear it." "Thank you John. I can't wait to tell her one day who gave it to her and how much he would have loved her." Tears welled in her eyes. Walter had been so gentle and protective of her during her pregnancy. A close friendship had developed during their search for Mulder, and he'd become far more than just her superior at work; he'd become almost a father figure, or at least the older brother Bill had never been to her. Bill had barely spoken to her since she'd told her family her unmarried catholic self was carrying Mulder's child. The quick wedding ceremony in the library of the Hoover building a mere week before Moira's birth had not warmed Bill to Mulder one iota. By late afternoon Walter's clothing and shoes were all packed neatly away in the hall closet downstairs and the new bedding John had bought was on the bed. The flannel sheets and duvet cover had come from Ikea, John fondly remembered his last shopping trip to Ikea with Walter that had gotten him dubbed "Ikea Boy" by his lover. Walter had indulged the fact that John preferred flannel sheets year round. Their argument in the store over flannel verses cotton knit sheets had been so domestic and pathetically cute. John had felt like they were an old married couple. The memory made his heart clench painfully. He'd had no idea how damn hard this was going to be. Later in the evening Mulder arrived with more empty boxes. John stared blankly at the teevee with Moira in his lap while Mulder and Dana went through Walter's study, packing up all the FBI and Xfile related files to take home with them, leaving all the tax papers and vehicle registration forms and bank statements where John could find them. Occasionally Mulder would come out of the room with a book in hand and ask John if he could have it. John said yes without even looking at the title. His only instructions had been that he wanted everything related to the FBI out of the house. He also gave Mulder all the handguns in the house; Walter's service weapon and two personal guns he had owned. John detested guns. Mulder and Dana left around midnight. John had been awake 36 hours now and was seeing double. He went upstairs to the bedroom and opened the closet again, looking at the neatly hung rows of chinos and button down oxford cloth shirts that made up his wardrobe. His running shoes and three identical pairs of brown loafers were in the shoe rack. His ties and suspenders hung on Walter's battery operated rotating tie rack, a joke gift from John their second Christmas together. It looked like the closet of a single man. John sighed heavily, refusing to cry yet again. Dear God he missed Walter. He climbed into the bed with the soft new navy blue flannel sheets and fell into a fitful sleep. He dreamed of Walter. They were standing in the hallway, Walter dressed as if he were leaving on a business trip in his crisp white shirt and tailored suit, his suitcase on the floor at his feet. He kissed John sweetly on the lips and then the forehead, whispering "Goodbye Love." In John's ear. He picked up the suitcase and walked out the door. John screamed for him to stop, don't go, don't leave me, I love you, but Walter walked away as if he didn't hear John's desperate pleas. John woke screaming Walter's name, the sound of his voice reverberating off the walls of the bedroom, bouncing the sound of his misery across the room like a banshee gone wild with grief. He got up and turned on every light in the house before settling back to sleep. "Good afternoon sleepyhead." Kyle's voice said over the telephone. John looked at the clock and saw that it was 1p.m. "Damn, I didn't mean to sleep so late. How are you?" "I'm fine, it was you I was worried about. Dana said you guys had kind of a rough day yesterday." "Yeah, well, I've had better. It was hard but I'm glad it's done." "I know what you mean. Selling the house where Elizabeth and I lived was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. Letting go isn't easy." John looked at the wedding band on his finger. "No, it's not." "Would you like some company? I'll bring you breakfast in bed and dessert too." Kyle said suggestively. John could here his smile in the tone of his voice. His throat was so tight he almost couldn't get the words out. "Not yet Kyle. Just not yet. Soon. Why don't I get dressed and come over there?" Kyle sighed. "Sure, why not? Ham's the only one here, and you know how soundproof the walls are. At least only one of my colleagues will hear me begging you to fuck me." He couldn't keep the aggravation from his voice. The fact that he was the only one living that was getting laid on a regular basis made him the brunt of many jokes at, especially when John came to the warehouse cum rebel compound. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were doing when they disappeared into Kyle's tiny bedroom and locked the door. "Kyle, I'm sorry. I'm trying. I really am. Soon, okay?" "Okay John. See you in a little while?" "yeah, let me get a shower and get dressed and I'll be over." John pondered his hesitation to bring Kyle to the townhouse while he let the hot water of the shower pour over him. He too was admittedly tired of having quickie sex on Mulder and Dana's living room floor when they weren't home or at the warehouse where they had to be as quiet as possible or everyone in the building knew they were going at it. But he still saw the townhouse as Walter's domain. It had been their home. He didn't want to create new memories there; he wanted to live in quiet despair with the old ones. John let himself into the compound with the key Kyle had given him, calling out as he opened the door. "Ham, don't shoot me, it's John." John had no doubt Ham Tyler would shoot a stranger coming through that door on the spot. Mulder had told him a few stories about Hamilton Tyler, and the man was single-handedly responsible for a handful of military conflicts in third world countries. All funded by the US government, of course. Kyle came out of the common area and hugged John. "Hey Medicine Man. How does it feel to be an official resident of the District of Columbia?" "Well, it's not official until I get a new driver's license, but so far it feels pretty good. It was nice not having to worry about pissing Kerry off by using all the hot water or not loading the dishwasher after I ate." "Try living with three other people and two of them women. It's like having a houseful of mothers. And I get all the flack cause no one would dare tell Ham what to do." "Do you still have to go to LA next week and pick that Donovan guy up?" "Mike? Yeah, I have to bring him his fake ID. Those three friends of Mulder's are really fucking weird but they were very helpful in getting the forged passports and driver's license." John chuckled. "yeah, the Gunmen aren't bad guys. A little geeky, but their hearts are in the right place. They live to be subversive." He put his arm around Kyle's waist and nibbled on his ear. "So where is everybody?" "Ham is around here somewhere, Julie and Scully went to some library to do some research and Robin is at their place with Moira." "Hey, your mother in law is moving in on my quality time with my little princess." John teased. Kyle snaked his hand down the back of John's jeans and grabbed his ass firmly, pulling him closer. "Would you rather be here with me about to laid or watching the baby sleep?" "Mmmm..." John responded, melting into the embrace. "Tough call. I think I need some convincing." Kyle kissed him as if his life depended on it, possessing John's mouth completely. One of his fingers found it's way between the cleft of John's buttocks and traced a feathery circle around his rectum, instantly making John painfully erect. He could feel Kyle's own erection poking into his bony hip. John moaned "Oh Jesus Kyle, I can't stand up if you keep doing that." "Good God, you two get a fucking room!" the voice made the two men jump. Ham Tyler wore his usual irritated expression as he came into the room. "You're just jealous!" Kyle tossed over his shoulder as he and John headed for his room. Once the door was closed behind them John took Kyle's face between his hands and kissed him, sucking and nibbling on his full sensual lips as their tongues clashed and collided. John pulled Kyle's shirt off in one swift motion and began working on his button fly jeans. "Damn 501s." He muttered. "I'm getting you breakaway pants for Christmas." Kyle gave a throaty chuckle and peeled away John's Henley shirt, tossing it on a chair. Soon Kyle's jeans were around his ankles and Kyle was on his knees devouring his penis with his mouth. John ran his fingers through Kyle's hair, his head swimming in a haze of desire. Kyle started rimming him with his finger again and John had to muster up his voice to speak. "No, I want you inside me." He said, the words coming out a barely audible whisper between panting breaths. Kyle stood and the both stepped out of their pants and underwear. John laid down on the bed and tried to assume an alluring position, his penis so erect it pointed like an arrow to his belly button. Kyle reached into a cabinet on the headboard for lube and a condom. John took the condom away and put it on the nightstand. He looked at Kyle, his eyes dark with passion. "I want to feel you." Kyle nodded, awed at the level of trust John had just conveyed in those few words, and desperately aroused by them. "Lay on your side." He instructed John. Kyle laid down beside him and kissed and licked his way down John's neck, back and buttocks. John was trembling in his arms when he applied the lubricant to his rectum and began to slowly slide his fingers in and out of John's anus. John played with his own penis as Kyle penetrated him with his hand. His desperation to feel the now familiar fullness grew and he begged. "Now Kyle, please..." Kyle obliged. He entered John in one smooth motion. John cried out in pleasure, pushing back to receive his lover completely. Kyle grabbed his hips and took control of their motions, pulling John towards him with each thrust. When he felt on the verge of climax he took hold of John's penis and began to slide his hand up and down the velvety soft skin of the rock hard shaft. His own climax came as he felt John's hot semen spill out onto his hand and John's shouts of ecstasy. Before he could stop himself he heard himself saying "I love you John, oh God I love you." As his brain function was reduced to the level of random sparks of light behind his eyes. John grew still and silent. As Kyle's brain and body reconnected he pulled out and kissed the back of John's neck. "I'm sorry John, I know that's not what you wanted to here. I'm sorry if I've made this to intense too fast." John rolled over and looked at him. "Kyle, it was really nice to hear someone say that to me again. And I do.care.very deeply for you. This isn't a fling. I can see myself needing this in my life, but I think I'm scared." Kyle kissed his forehead. "You think too much." John chuckled. "yeah, I suppose I do."