From: Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 19:33:50 EDT Subject: "Nova" (1/1) Source: direct Part 34 Day 204 (continued) Mulder pressed his smiling lips to Scully's. "Thank you." He breathed, resting his forehead against hers. "Thank you?" She asked with amusement. "Yes, thank you." Was all he said before kissing her again. Without letting go he reached behind her and opened their door, backing her slowly in. Scully giggled a soft uncharacteristically giddy giggle against his lips. She couldn't explain this feeling if she had to. It was impossible. She was happy, beyond belief, and nervous for some reason. As a child Scully dreamed of the day she would marry. In college she went through the phase of thinking she didn't want to. Then in medical school, learning about the development of children and how amazing it all was, to put it simply, she wondered how she would be able to juggle a family and the career as a doctor. When she joined the FBI she became married to her work-to Mulder is an abstract way. She stopped believing that the typical family life was possible for her. Now what she was going to have would be anything other then typical. A miracle baby and married to the only man she could ever love. "I deserve this." She whispered against Mulder's lips, without realizing it, as the back of her knees hit the bed. Mulder pulled back slightly, helping to lower her on to the bed. "I don't." He said humbly as he settled on his side next to her. "You don't what?" He pulled his shirt over his head to stop Scully's insistent tugging. "I don't deserve you." "Don't start with that." Her voice slightly muffled as she pulled her own shirt off. "You do too deserve this." Scully took his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. "We both do. We have fought for this, cried and mourned for this, and quite literally shed blood for this." Mulder fell motionless, his hands locked in their cradle around Scully's face, his body leaning gently against hers. "So much has been taken from you-from both of us. We've changed so much." He paused for a moment, taking her body in with his eyes, letting them linger on her belly. An uncontrollable smile spread across Scully's face. She let her hands wonder over the thick muscles of his arms and back as a response. "We've come a long way. And we do deserve this." Mulder said on a sudden whim of self-approval. Scully nodded slowly. For everything they had done, for everything they were doing and everything they would do, they were entitled to the pleasures of the other's body, mind and spirit. "We do." She agreed softly. "For the rest of our lives." His lips crushed hers before the words completely left her mouth. Day 205 Mulder stepped out of the Church with a determined stride, trying his damnedest not to grin like a fool. He wasn't doing well. "Mulder?" He spun around, a little too quickly, and almost knocked Marsha off her feet. "Oh, sorry." Mulder said quickly, trying to shake his thoughts away. "What can I do for you, Marsha?" "My chimney is a little clogged, could you help my husband clean it out?" Mulder sucked in a long breath. "Can't Skinner do it?" She shook her head. "He just left to help fix the wagon of firewood that broke down. He won't be back for hours." "That's right, its over ten miles away." Mulder said offhandedly under his breath. "Ok. Let's go do this." Mulder said directing Marsha toward her family's room. **** "Have you seen Mulder?" Randy shook his head at Scully. "Sorry, no." Scully wrinkled her nose in frustration. Mumbling her thanks she continued down the hallway towards the Main Room. She had been looking for what seemed like hours, it only seemed that way because she couldn't move fast enough for her convenience. Scully rounded the corner into the Main Room and smacked right into someone. "Oof!" She was righted before she fully lost her balance by two hands on her elbows. "Whoa. There you are." Mulder said with a chuckle. "I've been looking for you." Scully smiled up at him. "I think we have been chasing each other around Nova most of the day." Mulder made an agreeable noise as he steered her through the room. "I talked to Father Ryan today, he's waiting for us." "Wait." Scully stopped and turned to look up at him. "Today? We are going to get married TODAY?" Mulder's jaw worked for a moment before words came out. "But. I thought, I'm sorry, Scully. I just thought when I asked you, right away was ok.. Is it ok?" "Yes!" She said quickly. "I just didn't realize." Scully took his hand, squeezing it once she tugged him toward the Church again. "Come on. Let's do this." With a smile Mulder wrapped his arm around Scully's waist as they entered the empty room. "Father Ryan?" Mulder called towards the closed door of the confessional knowing Father Ryan spent much of the day in the small room waiting. The older man stepped out with a smile. "Dana, I see Mulder finally tracked you down." Scully nodded, biting her lip nervously. The priest directed them over to the front of the room as he sorted through books. "Mulder told me that you both decided for the ceremony to just be the two of you." "Yes." Scully took Mulder's hand and gave it a firm excited squeeze. "It seems right that way." "I understand." Father Ryan stood up with a thick old book in his hands. "Shall we begin?" Mulder and Scully exchanged glances before nodding. "All right." Father Ryan started. "I'll begin with a prayer: Loving God, I thank you for the gift of life you gave and continue to give to me and to all of us. Merciful God, I ask your pardon and forgiveness for my own failure and the failure of all people to respect and foster all forms of life in our universe. Gracious God, I pray that with your grace, I and all people will reverence, protect, and promote all life and that we will be especially sensitive to the life of the unborn, the abused, neglected, disabled, and the elderly. I pray, too, that all who make decisions about life in any form will do so with wisdom, love, and courage. Living God, I praise and glorify you as Father, Source of all life, as Son, Savior of our lives, and as Spirit, Sanctifier of our lives. Amen." Father Ryan paused for a moment as they echoed his last word. "Dana, Mulder, you are both strong people. With wonderful souls, you have given me hope for Nova with the hope you have shown other people in their errors. Together you will only be stronger. Although marriage is not a legal title in the Nova community it is more important to be bonded in this way for your hearts. I believe you both already have this bond, therefore I would like to give you both a moment to express your feelings to each other before you are joined in God's eyes." He turned to Scully. "Dana." Scully turned to Mulder and met his moist eyes, interlocking their fingers. "Mulder. There are no words to describe how I feel about you, but I think- I know you understand it. You have given me so much, you have finally learned that everything I have given up and lost, everything we both have lost, has lead up to this moment. It has been worth the pain for everything we have now. We deserve this." Scully ended with the statement she realized they should have learned to say many years ago. "Mulder, anything you want to add?" Mulder didn't break eye contact with Scully, he let his heart speak. "You are everything to me, Scully. I have said it before and I will say it a million times more until the day I die." He shook his head in self amusement. "The only other thing I have to say it that I love you." "I love you too." Scully added softly. Father Ryan passed the open book to Scully, signaling her to read the passage. "I Dana Scully, take you to be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know. I will be true to you in all things, I will share what I have and who I am, I will love enough to risk being hurt, trust in joy, and receive you as my equal, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." Mulder took the offered book from Scully's hands. "I Fox Mulder, take you to be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know. I will be true to you in all things, I will share what I have and who I am, I will love enough to risk being hurt, trust in joy, and receive you as my equal, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." "Be appeased," Father Ryan began. "What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent, unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting." He smiled at them both. "For sake of tradition. You may kiss the bride." Mulder slowly took Scully's face in his hands, leaning in just as slowly his pressed his lips against hers for an endless moment. Part 35 Day 206 "Ok, what is this all about?" Frohike asked Skinner when he walked into their room. Skinner shrugged. "All I know is Mulder wanted to met us." He trailed off as Amanda entered the room. She immediately turned her face away from him and stood at the far side of Byers' room. Skinner let out a long breath, rolling his shoulders and trying to relax. He was desperate. Every time he tried to talk to Amanda she would blow up at him and refuse to speak. Skinner tried to tell himself it was time to move on, but it didn't seem possible, he wasn't ready to give up. He turned his focus towards the doorway as Mulder ushered Scully in, her cheeks were slightly flushed and they were both smiling. "What has gotten into you two?" Langly looked at them suspiciously. Mulder and Scully exchanged glances. "We got married yesterday." Mulder blurted out happily. "Huh?" Frohike spoke up from the back of the room. Scully quickly explained the small ceremony, apologized for not inviting anyone, and was immediately bombarded with words of congratulations and `it's about time's. After many moments of excited talking everyone took turns exiting the room to get started on the day's work. Skinner saw Amanda walking slowly down the hallway a few feet in front of him. He watched her walk ahead of him longingly. For years Skinner has been envious of Mulder and Scully's relationship, but this topped it off. With a determined intake of breath he strode up to Amanda's side. Amanda looked up at him with a frown. "What do you want Walter?" "I was just hoping we could talk for a minute." "There's nothing to talk about." "Amanda-" "No, Walter." She interrupted, turning around to face him with a hand held up. "It's over. Accept it and move on." Amanda turned to and started to walk away. "You can honestly say that Amanda?" He called after her, becoming louder as she moved farther away. "Turn around, look me in the eye and tell me it's over." Skinner ignored the questioning murmurs of the bystanders. "Amanda, ignoring me won't make me go away." She still hadn't responded as she rounded the corner and went out of sight. "I knew you couldn't." Skinner whispered to himself. Day 209 "My back hurts." Scully mumbled as she shifted in her chair at the medical room. Amanda looked over with a soft smile. "But you are having a baby." She said in an envious tone. Scully groaned. "Not soon enough. These next few months are going to kill me, I know it." She looked down at her stomach with a curious expression. "I don't think I can get any bigger, I'll be so off balance I'll be falling on my face all the time." Amanda laughed as she sat down next to Scully. "But after these last few months you will have a little baby to take care of and raise." Scully held up a hand to cut her off. "Please. I'm anxious enough about this whole thing, don't remind me." "What are you talking about?" She asked with a laugh. "You and Mulder are going to be wonderful parents." Scully sighed and ran her hands over her belly. "What are you worried about?" Amanda asked with serious interest. "So many things could go wrong. So many little things." Scully said softly, still looking at her midsection. "It's hard to explain." She looked up with a slightly embarrassed smile. "I hate to say it, but when you are pregnant yourself I think you will understand." Amanda shook her head. "I don't think I will ever have a family." Scully was silent for a moment. "Not even with Skinner?" Amanda shifted uncomfortably. "You know he loves you. It's obvious." "Dana." Amanda said firmly as she stood up. "With all due respect this is none of your business. But Walter and I are finished-" "Why?" Scully asked quickly. "Why are you over? Where did things go wrong? He was there for you and you shut him out suddenly. I don't understand it and I don't think you do either. I used to do the same thing with Mulder, a long time ago. I didn't know why, I just did. Defense mechanism maybe. But I missed out on the chance to have a few more great years with him. I don't want you to make the same mistake." "Thanks, but I'll live my own life." Amanda walked to the door and swung in open. "I'll be in my room if you need me for anything." The door slammed closed behind her. Day 218 "Mulder. what happened to you?" Mulder looked at her through strands of wet hair hanging over his forehead. "It's raining. sleeting. doing something cold and wet outside." Frowning Scully stood up and helped him pull his shirt off. "You are soaked. Take these wet clothes off and get by the fire before you come down with a cold." "Yes, mom." He teased. Scully glared at him as he stooped to pull his jeans off. Once up right she dragged him by his arm to sit on the edge of the bed near the fire. Mulder rubbed his hands together trying to warm himself. "Why were you out there in this weather anyway?" "Just to piss you off." He answered nonchalantly. "Ow!" He yelped while laughing, rubbing the back of his head where Scully smacked him. "We finished repairing the north barn. Almost finished in time, but.. obviously not completely." Scully sat with her legs folded under her behind him and ran a dry towel over his damp shoulders and back. With a deep sigh he leaned back into Scully's warm touch. "Mulder. I need to talk to you about something." Scully said softly. He groaned. "I hate when you start sentences off like that." Mulder turned to face her, spreading his legs so she was sitting, facing him, between them and leaned back on his hands. "Ok, shoot." Pressing her lips together she eyed him carefully for a silent moment. "I want you to deliver the baby." Mulder tilted his head back and let out a loud laugh. "That's funny, Scully. Thanks, I needed a laugh." He shook his head at her, still chuckling. "Mulder, I'm serious." She said straight-faced. His face slowly went slack. Mulder swallowed thickly. "You're kidding." It wasn't a question, it was a hopeful statement. She shook her head slowly. "I'm serious. I want you to do this." Mulder shook his head firmly. "No way, Scully. No way, no how. Not going to happen." He carefully slid off the bad and paced the room. "Mulder-" "I can't believe you would ask me something like that." He mumbled in shock. Scully shifted to hang her legs over the side of the bed. "There's no one else to do it." "That's not true." "Yes it is!" Scully struggled not to become defensive. "*I* delivered the two babies born earlier-" "Judy helped you." He interrupted. Scully rolled her eyes. "Barely." "Amanda can do it. She's been working with you for a while now." "Mulder!" She said in an agitated tone. "She just learned how to stitch! She can't deliver the baby." "I don't even know how to do that!" Scully crossed her arms and scowled at him. "Mulder.. I want you to do this for me. You'll do fine. You can handle blood. sort of. And I trust you, I need that. I can't have just anyone delivering the baby." Mulder sighed. "Scully.. I can't do that. What if something goes wrong?" She motioned for him to come out of the corner he was currently cowering in. When he stood in front of her she took his hands and pulled him down onto his knees in front of her. "If something goes wrong I will talk you through it." Scully massages his bare shoulders with her hands, he was tense and had the look of a frightened animal in his eyes. "But what if you can't? Then what?" She laughed softly. "Mulder you have read every single page about pregnancy in every single book in Nova, I'm sure you have read about anything that could possibly happen." "That's what scares me!" He exclaimed. "I wouldn't know what to do." "No one else here would either. I want you to do this for me Mulder. Please." She leaded in closer to him, looking him directly I the eyes. "Scully. I can't." She slid her hands up from his shoulders to cup his face. "Yes you can. I need you to do this." She whispered. "Why? Why is it so important that I deliver our baby." Scully smiled softly. "You just answered your own question. Our baby." Mulder shook his head in confusion. Scully spoke very slowly and deliberately. "I want you to be the first person to lay hands on our child." Mulder smiled involuntarily at the thought. "And I want the baby to go directly from your arms to my own. No one else's. Do you understand what I mean?" He nodded after a moment. "I do." "Will you do it? Please, for me and for our baby?" Scully pleaded him with her voice and with her eyes. With a smile he nodded. "Yes, I'll do it." Part 36 Day 225 Rolling over, still half asleep, Mulder swung his arm out expecting to find Scully on the other side of the bed. He opened his eyes, just to quickly close them again, Scully already had all the lamps on in their room but she wasn't in there. For a moment, a very short moment, he debated in getting out of bed to find her. But he was too comfortable and his body felt like jelly. Promising himself to get up in a few minutes, Mulder settled deeper into the pillows. It was Sunday and he was in no hurry, if someone needed him they would come get him. Mulder jerked away from his almost-sleep at the sound of the door opening. "Morning, Sunshine." Scully greeted with mock enthusiasm as she sat on the edge of the bed. Groaning in response Mulder hoisted himself up on his elbow and watched as Scully took peanuts, one by one, out of a jar in her hand and popped them into her mouth. "Who's cabinet did you raid this time?" "Byers'." She answered without taking her eyes off of the bounty in her hands. "He doesn't mind." "Of course he doesn't." Mulder mumbled as he flopped back down onto the bed. "What do you mean by that?" Scully asked around a peanut. He smiled. "Nothing." Scully glared at him before returning her focus to the food with a "Whatever" muttered under her breath. Bending his leg, Mulder nudged her back with his foot to try to get her attention. "Knock it off." She swatted his foot with one hand behind her back. Mulder pushed himself up to a sitting position and leaned forward to kiss Scully's neck. She smiled and arched her neck to give him move room, but continued eating her peanuts. He suckled her ear lobe into her mouth, while watching her reaction out of the corner of his eye. After a moment he pulled away and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Are you paying any attention to me at all?" "I'm hungry." She answered simply. "So am I." He responded biting her earlobe. Scully barked out laughter and turned to look at him. "You've got to be kidding me!" Mulder looked offended for a moment before shrugging and moving to sit behind her, pulling her back against his chest as he leaned against the wall. "I tried." He muttered as he wrapped his arms around her waist and settled he cheek on against hers, feeling the slight movements as she chewed and swallowed. She ate in silence for another few moments before she eyes lost focus and she became motionless except for breathing. "Scully?" Mulder watched her for a response. "Scully are you with me?" He sat up, barely catching her upper body as it fell slack without his support. Scully jerked with a sharp breath as she blinked for the first time in a few minutes. "Hey? What was that about?" Mulder asked angling himself to see her face better. Scully shook her head to orientate herself. "Sorry." She mumbled. "I guess I zoned out for a minute." Day 230 "How long do you think it will take before we are bored with this?" Mulder asked conversationally as he threw his ante rock into the center of the table. Frohike looked up from seriously contemplating his cards. "We could always play Go Fish." "When I was a kid I used to think it was Gold Fish, not Go Fish." Everyone looked at Langly. "Thanks for sharing." Skinner said with mock seriousness. "What's wrong with sharing?" This time everyone stared at Byers in confusion. "We never talk about anything serious. We just sit here, play poker, and talk about random things.. Never anything substantial." "Oh forget it." Byers said after spending a few moment with everyone just staring at him. "No." Skinner said slowly. "He's right." "I don't want to talk seriously." Mulder spoke up. "Don't we deal with enough stressful issues during the day, Skinner? I just want to sit here and not think." Skinner nodded as he considered Mulder's words. "Yeah. but still. Come on, Mulder, you're the psychologist. Talking is good, right?" He grumbled a positive response. "So what serious business should be talk about?" Byers asked with interest. Skinner focused on his cards as he shuffled with great concentration. "Still having problems with Amanda I take it." Skinner shot a hard look at Frohike. "Forget I said anything." "No way!" Langly said with a laugh. "You stressed that we need to really talk, so talk." "I said never mind." Skinner hissed out. "Touchy subject?" Frohike asked as he leaned his elbows on the table to get closer to Skinner in interest. Mulder cleared his throat to get their attention. "I don't think this is any of our business, if he wants to share he can." Langly sat back in his chair with a sulky frown. "Just when it was getting good you decide to take his side." "You guys are just jealous cause you haven't gotten any since we got here. and who knows how long before that. I'll raise you." Mulder added quickly as he tossed a rock onto the small pile in the center of the table, ignoring the aggravated glares of the three men while Skinner tried to smoother is laughter. Day 234 "I'm tired." Scully grumbled as she crawled into bed. Mulder made an agreeable noise as he settled next to Scully, trapping her between his body and the wall. He opened his arm for her as she moved to set her head on his bisep. "Goodnight, Scully." "Mmm." Was her soft response as sleep quickly took her over. *** Mulder grunted awake from a heavy weight on his stomach. He opened his eyes and struggled to focus in the dim light of the room. "Scully?" He asked her as she determinedly tried to climb her way out of bed, moving faster then was possible for her current condition. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He pushed himself to a sitting position, reaching out to take her arm. Scully quickly pulled herself from his grasp, almost causing herself to tumble off the bed. "Whoa." Mulder said securing her body with his hands on her shoulders. "Scully, what are you doing?" She struggled away from his hold, but Mulder moved out from under the blankets to follow her movements. With a frustrated noise deep in her throat she violently retched her body from him. "Scully!" Mulder struggled to stand up in time to block her obvious path to the door. "What has gotten into you?" "I have to go." Part 37 Day 234 (continued) "I have to go." Scully began to repeat softly under her breath as she struggled against Mulder's hold on her arms even as his heart shattered and his gut twisted in terror. Mulder needed to keep her here, he knew that much. He also knew last time this happened they were attacked, people needed to be warned, he needed to talk to Skinner. He couldn't do both. "Not again." Mulder prayer softly as he began to drag her back towards the bed. Scully fought against his arms, throwing Mulder off balance. "Scully, stop. Please." He begged in her ear as she pushed herself forward. Holding Scully only by her upper arms Mulder fell forward with her. To avoid falling on top of her he let go of one of her arms to brace them against the wall, but he didn't move in time and Scully's forehead hit with a sickening thud. Mulder jumped back from her. Scully wasted no time in staggering towards the door, unfazed by her injury, not noticing the trail of blood that was dripping into her eyes. For a short moment Mulder watched in shock. But as Scully pulled the door open he pushed himself from the wall, with a few strides he had caught her around the shoulders. Scully's muttering continued, rising in volume as she pulled and pushed and twisted against Mulder's hold. The hallway was empty in the early morning hours, but if Mulder didn't get her back into their room soon that could easily change. "Scully, please stop this." Mulder pleaded through clenched teeth as he tried to keep a grip on her small body. With a quick, regretful movement he shifted one arm around her waist, the other across her chest. Leaning his weight back he dragged Scully back into their room, kicking the door shut with a slam that made him jump, his grip loosening momentarily. Scully's out of control mind used that short moment to twist in his arms, now facing Mulder. Though he tried, he couldn't pin her arms between them. Mulder barely caught the cry of pain in his throat as Scully dug her nails into his cheeks. He fought to shake her off while maintaining his hold. With an arm across her lower back he pulled her to him, belly to belly, then reached up with his other hand and grabbed both her wrists and hauled them away from his face. "Scully stop it" Mulder said firmly and loudly, hoping to break the spell slightly. She continued her utterances; "I have to go." And stared up at him with a glassy eyed blank stare. Mulder froze as watched her. She didn't look like herself, her eyes wide and dilated. Blinking in sync with the beginning of each sentence. Completely unchanged as she struggled and pulled from him. "Scully?" Mulder asked softly, studying her eyes for any response. "Scully, can you hear-" Mulder's sentence was cut off as Scully's hands, still encased in his, struck his cheekbone. He cried out in pain as he struggled to pull her hands low against his chest. Eyes stinging, Mulder looked down into Scully's unchanged eyes just as she pulled her hands up quickly, knocking Mulder under his chin. Mulder's head snapped back and blood filled his mouth. Involuntarily he released Scully, bringing a hand to his mouth to wipe away the blood. He watched, dazed, as Scully turned calmly and went towards the door. Quickly Mulder took a long step to catch up with her, grabbing her upper arms in his and pulling her back against his chest forcefully. Instantly she began to struggle. Mulder wrapped his arms securely around her body, pinning her arms down by her sides. She struggled for a moment. "Stop it, Scully." Mulder hissed in her ear as he struggled to hold her carefully. He couldn't let himself slip and hurt her, but she was going to hurt herself the way she threw them around the room. The table toppled over with a clatter as she swung her legs out to kick at Mulder. He let out grunts of pain as her heels hit his knees, his shins, he cringed as her flailing legs hit the walls and furniture. Some how she managed to brace her feet securely on the floor. She pushed with all her strength back into Mulder. They both fell. Mulder's back landed hard against oak crib. The loud crunch of wood did nothing to drown out Mulder's curse as his back began to tingle and stars flew in front of his eyes. Scully stood, calmly and determinedly and made her way in even strides towards the doorway once again. Mulder watched, unable to move as his spine burned for a moment. Summoning the last of his strength he pushed himself from the splintered wood. He caught up with Scully just as she opened the door. Grabbing her quickly, and more roughly then he meant to, they both staggered back into the room. Scully threw her weight, left and right, back and forth. Until finally Mulder lost his balance again. As hard as he tried Mulder tumbled sideways, taking Scully with him. Both of their sides collided with the dresser, knocking it and them to the floor with a crash that could have been heard down the hall. Scully rolled out from under the clothes, other belongings and crushed wood trying to stand. Mulder, willing himself to stand despite the pain radiating through his body, watched in horror as she went to stand. But collapsed back into the pile of rubble. His stomach twisted sickly as she tried again and again, but could not remain on her feet. "Scully." He choked out, crawling towards her. "Scully, come on back to me. Please." "What the hell is going on?" Skinner bellowed from the open door as he looked around the room, settling his gaze on Mulder who knelt next to the doorway. "She's being called." Skinner looked to the center of the room where Scully struggled amongst the debris. "Help me up. We need to restrain her before she hurts herself anymore." Skinner held out a hand and helped Mulder to his feet. He cringed and held his aching ribs before looking over to Scully. Both men froze. Slowly and carefully Scully stood, keeping most of her weight on one foot, her gun pulled from the pile on the floor raised. "Scully." Mulder whispered. "Don't do this." Her blank eyes stared back at him, a slight sweat across her face mingling with blood. The gunshot echoed off the walls of Nova with deafening volume. Part 38 Day 234 (continued) Mulder threw himself to ground as Skinner crumpled with a cry of pain beside him. He looked up to watch Scully mechanically turn to the aim the gun at him. At that moment Mulder forgot it was Scully who was holding the gun, she was a threat. A threat to his life and to others. Pushing himself from the ground he tackled Scully around the legs, pulling her to the floor beneath him. The gun skittered across the floor, bouncing off the walls until it was safely on the other side of the room. "Oh my God. Walter!" Amanda shrieked as she pushed her way through the growing crowd in the hallway. She crouched by his groaning form, his hand instinctively pressed to his bleeding shoulder. "What the hell is going on?" She asked looking over her shoulder at Mulder who was wrestling with Scully on the ground, trying to pin her hands above her head. The Gunmen shoved aside the onlookers and stepped into the room with shocked expressions. "Someone, I need some help here." Mulder called over his shoulder as Scully twisted under him. Byers quickly made his way across the room, holding Scully's ankles with a look of bewilderment. "She's being called again." Mulder muttered under his breath, moving forward to straddle Scully's body trying not to put any weight on her as he battled with her hands. Amanda pushed Skinner's hands away and pressed hers the entry and exit wounds. "I have to get him to the Medical Room." "We'll help." Langly slapped Frohike's arm to get his attention as he watched Scully struggle on the floor. Quickly, but gently, they helped Skinner to stand and walk out into the hallway, shutting the door firmly behind them. "Let's get her on the bed." Mulder said in the strangely quite room, Scully's mutterings now a faint whisper. Byers picked Scully's legs up by under her knees while Mulder hoisted her upper body up. Stepping through the wreckage of the room the men quickly deposited Scully on the bed. Wordlessly, Byers found pieces of fabric to tie her hands with. Scully kicked and shifted against the bindings restlessly. Mulder tied her legs down. Still she fought, bucking up of the mattress and twisting. Mulder stepped back from the bed, tripping over a drawer, and placed his face in his hands. His body ached with fresh bruises, his muscles burned from holding Scully down, his head pounded and throbbed, and his heart was broken. "Are you ok, Mulder?" Byers prodded gently. With a nod he ran his hands down his face. Byers looked uncertainly between Scully and Mulder for a moment. "Now what?" "Now we wait for the calling to end." Mulder answered matter of factly. "Can you go see how Skinner is doing?" Nodding quickly Byers left Mulder alone. For a few long minutes Mulder did nothing but stare at Scully. Her voice had become hoarse and dry sounding with the nonstop murmuring. Streaks of blood stood out starkly all over her pale skin. Cuts and bruised marred her flesh. Her distant eyes watched him back calmly as the rest of her thrashed around continuously. *** "Don't move." Amanda told Skinner, for the third time, as she carefully looked at his wound. "Well if you would stop poking me I would stop moving." He grumbled. Amanda rolled her eyes as she examined the back of his shoulder. She knew his attitude was only because he was in pain. He never could admit when he was hurt. "Ok, I'm going to put you out so I can stitch this up. I don't think you are going to have any problems. All the books," She motioned to the pile on the table she had just finished looking through, "say this type of wound will heal just fine. Lay back." She helped him recline. Amanda smiled softly down at his worried and pained expression. "Don't worry, Walter. I'll talk to you soon." With that she placed the towel with chloroform over his mouth, slowly his eyes closed and his breathing relaxed. Day 235 Skinner groaned deeply as he tried to shift on his bed. "Lay still." Amanda said sitting next to him and placing a hand on his chest. He gave a weak nod and relaxed back into the sheets. "How do you feel?" She asked placing her hand on his forehead. "I'm experiencing deja vu." For the first time in a long time Amanda shared a laugh with Skinner, it was a soft short lived laugh, but it was something. "Thank you, Amanda." Skinner said as she pulled away the bandages to look at his wound. She smiled shyly. "'I'm just doing my job Walter, nothing special." "I've missed you, Mandy." She looked away quickly. Skinner continued, encouraged that she hadn't brushed him off. "I think you have missed me too. We are good for each other." "Walter. I." Amanda shook her head, not sure of what to say. He began to sit up, even as Amanda tried to push him back down, after a moment she ended up helping him upright to stop his struggle. "Give me one reason we shouldn't be together Amanda. One good reason and I'll leave it alone, I'll forget about it and move on." He watched her in silence for a moment, waiting for a response. "One reason, just one." Slowly Amanda shook her head. "I don't have any reasons." Skinner smiled at her as he nodded. *** Mulder's head lolled back in his chair, jerking him awake. Immediately he looked over at Scully. She had quieted hours ago, Amanda had come to clean and dress both of their wounds, the Gunmen had left him alone for the night, since then he had sat in silence with his eyes on Scully. Mulder dreaded the time when he would have to face everyone. People were talking and questioning, but no one was answering. The Gunmen had told everyone, at Mulder's request, that Mulder would explain everything soon. He stretched his sore arms over his head with a groan. Even sitting at a distance Mulder could see the bruises on Scully's body, a slight trail of blood flowed from the bindings, various areas were covered with bandages. But she was quiet and breathing evenly. Approaching slowly, Mulder sat by her hip, placing his hand on her belly. He waited, holding his breath. Mulder waited until he had to take a breath or pass out. Part 39 Day 236 A small noise, only a slight movement really, woke Mulder. He lifted his head from his arms resting on the table and looked over at the bed. With a long breath of relief he saw Scully shifting, attempting to pull her hands down from the headboard. Quickly he rose, ignoring his stiff body, and sat on the edge of the bed. "Muld-" Scully broke off her hoarse whisper with a cringe as her body objected to her slight movement. "Shh. I'll untie you." He said softly, hastily moving to untie her hands. Scully let out a small whimper as Mulder lowered her hands, swollen and bruised, to her lap. Soon her legs where freed. Slowly Scully managed to focus on Mulder's face with a gasp. "What happened to you? What happened to me?" He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile and brushed hair from her forehead. "I'm ok. You were being called, you've been out for a few days now." Scully just starred up at him confused. "I. did that to you?" Despite herself her chin trembled in horror. "It's ok." He soothed quickly then gave her an ashamed and pained look. "I did a lot to you too." Trying to absorb all this information into her hazy mind was impossible. She shook her head even though it hurt to do so. "I don't understand." Mulder rubbed his face with his hands. He didn't know where to start. He didn't want to tell her everything that happened. "How are you feeling?" Scully brought a hand up to her face, rubbing the heel into her forehead. "I don't know." She moved to sit up then grimaced and took a quick breath. "Take it easy." Mulder placed a hand under the back of her neck to help support her as she lowered her body back down. "Do you hurt anywhere?" "Everywhere." She groaned. With a frown she ran her hands down her body, rubbing her stomach. Mulder's hands covered hers gently. After a moment she sighed and opened her eyes and looked up at him. "What exactly happened?" He looked away, trying to find a way out of this conversation. "Mulder." She spoke in her warning voice. "I think you need to rest." He said quickly. Exhaustion was slowly taking her over. "I want to know, Mulder." "I know." He said softly, running a hand gently down her face. "And I will tell you. But right now I need to go talk to everyone." Scully nodded, even though she didn't understand the reasons for anything at the moment. Mulder leaned over and kissed her bruised forehead. "I'll be back in a few minutes." "Hurry." She whispered, half asleep, as he rose from the bed. As Mulder walked down the halls of Nova he tried to ignore the whispers, the looks, and the pointing. Without a word he walked into the Main Room and stood by the fire. People gathered, waiting expectantly. Without making direct eye contact with anyone Mulder began to speak. "I know people have been talking about what happened. I'm asking you to forget all the rumors. What I'm gong to tell you is the truth, you'll have to trust my word that everything I am saying is true." He paused, collecting his thoughts before telling the story of Scully's abduction, her cancer, the chip, and the callings. People listened intently, only responding with slight murmurs. ".She just woke before I came to speak with you. I'm sorry I couldn't explain this all sooner but I didn't want to leave her, she doesn't remember anything that happened. So I haven't explained it to her yet, I want her to rest. So I would appreciate it if everyone would let her do just that. I know you are all worried and I will tell her so, but I want her to take this slowly." Finally, for the first time since he began to speak he looked up at everyone. "I'm sure you have some questions about all this." "Why didn't you tell us before?" Someone called bitterly. Before Mulder could answer someone spoke up. "Before this happened I don't think there was any reason for them to tell us. That's Dana's business." "But she has become a danger. She shot someone for God's sake!" "She wasn't herself, like Mulder said. She didn't know what she was doing. You can't blame someone for their actions when they are not in control." "That's like saying someone under the influence of a drug is not responsible for the people they may hurt or the things they may do." "This is completely different! People who take drugs have that choice, this is not a choice." "What about next time this happens?" "That's right, what if she is operating on someone? What will happen to that person?" "Where will that person be without Dana? Hopeless, no one else has her education." "That's right, Nova needs her. And we need Mulder." In silence Mulder listened to the arguments. He didn't know what to do. His instinct told him to defend Scully and himself, but if he spoke too strongly he might lose the trust of everyone. "Please." He interrupted politely, feeling it was the best time to stop the growing conflict. "We will work this out in time. Right now I would like everyone to go on with the rest of the day." He searched the air for a moment. "I'll speak with you all again soon." Hanging his head slightly, Mulder walked away, going straight into the Medical Room. "Long time no see." Skinner greeted from his bed, his arm resting against his chest in a sling. "How is she?" Mulder shook his head nondescriptly. "She doesn't remember anything. I just wanted to see how you are doing before I go explain everything that happened." "I'm perfectly fine. Amanda says I am healing well and I should be back to my old self against soon. Please tell her that." Rubbing his eyes with his fingers he nodded. "I will. I'll talk to you soon." "Good luck." Skinner called as Mulder stepped out of the door. Part 40 Day 236 (continued) As Mulder opened the door slowly. Scully let her head loll in his direction. "I thought you would be sleeping." "I did for a little while." She said as Mulder sat beside her, tucking her blanket under her chin. "Is everything all right?" He nodded dully. "I'm tired though." With a little turn of her head she invited Mulder in next to her. Immediately he settled close with a sigh. Biting back a groan as he leaned on his sore body, Mulder lay on his side next to her, his hand resting on her belly unconsciously. Scully ran her fingers lightly over the back of his hand. "Mulder?" "Hmm?" He hummed against her hair as he began to drift into sleep. "I need you to tell me what happened. I don't think I can sleep soundly until I know." He let out a long breath into her hair. "Short version or long?" "Just tell me everything." "Everything." He repeated softly. "Ok.. Well, you woke up and got out of bed. I asked what was wrong and idiot me, it took a while to realize what was going on. I tried to keep you in the room, but the more I restrained you the harder you fought me. I was so afraid I would hurt you." Mulder's voice began to break on his words. "But I couldn't stop you. You were kicking and hitting. Things got out of hand and furniture was knocked over and broken." "What did I break?" Scully interrupted, her voice a mix of concern and disbelief. Mulder hesitated for a moment. "The dresser a little, but the crib is ruined." As if not believing what he said Scully's head quickly turned to look across the room. The corner was now empty other then a small pile of linens and the small mattress once in the crib, now leaning against the wall. "Oh my God." She whispered in shame. Mulder pressed his lips to her temple. "Don't worry, we'll get another one." Scully nodded as she struggled to hold back tears. "What else happened?" She asked after a few moments of silence. "Umm.. After the dresser was knocked over things slowed down a little. We were both hurt pretty bad. You couldn't even stand for a few minutes." Mulder shuddered at the memory of her body crumpling to the ground repeatedly. "Somehow. somehow you got a hold of one of our guns." Scully twisted around to turn her face up to him. Her eyes wide with shock. "Everything from the drawers was on the ground and spread everywhere. It must have landed right by you. Skinner had heard all the commotion, people were gathering around outside when he came in. He helped me up so we could try to get control of you." Mulder shook his head slowly as he remembered. His mind had analyzed that night many times as he watched Scully sleep the last few days. "You must have felt threatened that we both were blocking the doorway. You pointed the gun at as." Mulder trailed off, not sure if he could get the rest of the words out. "Mulder. what happened?" Scully whispered. "Skinner was shot." Scully let out a petrified shock and tried to sit up, only to take a sharp breath and cringe to a stop. "Easy." Mulder said gently helping her recline again. "He's all right. Amanda took care of him and he will be fine. I just went to see him." "Where did I hit him?" "Shoulder. Went straight through. Must be your favorite spot to hit someone." His feeble attempt at a joke died in the air. Scully shut her eyes with a hand over her mouth. "I can't believe I did that." "You didn't." Mulder said sharply, turning her face to look at his. "That wasn't you Scully. Trust me. I looked in your eyes and you weren't there." "That's the point Mulder. When this chip takes control I have no way to stop anything. What if I hurt you next time? What if I shoot you?" She paused with a look of horror. "My God, Mulder, what if I hurt the baby?" She paused again, running her hands over her stomach. "I haven't even felt it kick since I woke." Scully whispered. Mulder turned her face back to his. "I won't let you hurt the baby. I swear to you." "You couldn't stop me from hurting Skinner, and you couldn't stop me from hurting myself or you. I don't think anyone can. What will be different next time?" "Maybe there won't be a next time." Mulder murmured hopefully. "That's right." Scully said firmly. "There won't be because I am taking the chip out." She forced herself in a sitting position, ignoring her body's protests of pain. "Right now." Part 41 Day 236 (still continued) Mulder reached out and grabbed Scully's arm. "What are you talking about?" Scully looked at him soberly. "I'm taking it out Mulder, I have to." "No." He said firmly. "Yes." She matched his tone when as betraying tears fell silently down her cheeks. "Scully you take the chip out and your cancer will come back." Mulder hissed at her. Scully's eyes wavered, focusing on the hollow of this throat to avoid his eyes. The thought of dealing with her cancer again terrified her. But the things that could, most likely would happen if she left the chip in were too horrifying to think about. "I've thought about it Mulder, while you were gone. And what you just told me. confirms the fact that I have to do this. I can't risk what could happen." His hands came up to frame her face, forcing her eyes on his. "Scully if you take the chip out-You. Will. Die." Nodding in his strong grasp she swallowed thickly. "I'll live long enough to deliver the baby." Her soft word sent a surge of nausea through his body, causing him to double over and break his hold on her. "No." He said in a soft whisper. "This isn't happening. You aren't saying this." "Mulder listen to me." Scully placed her hand on the back of his neck, causing a shiver to run through him. How could he live without her touch? It was what kept him alive during their walk to Nova. She was his reason for being alive. Without Scully he would have had no desire to go on. He finally had her, really had her. As his wife. The thought was still almost unthinkable. It didn't seem real. But the fact that she was with him at the moment, in their room, in their bed, with her carrying his child made him remember. He refused to be a widower already. He would die with her. "Mulder, please." She whispered. "What?" His broken voice answered. She was almost glad he wouldn't raise his head from the cradle of his hands to look at her. It would hurt more then it already did. Taking out the chip seemed just as terrifying as the moment she found it in there. She was signing her own death warrant. She didn't want to die. Not now. Not when she was finally with Mulder. With child. Her hand rubbed her belly, praying silently for the movement that she hadn't felt in hours. "It will be ok." She breathed out, although she didn't know what exactly would be ok. "Mulder, I will live for the rest the pregnancy. I can almost guarantee it." "Almost." He said with a bitter laugh. "Mulder, listen. This will work. I will take the chip out now, and I will be strong enough for at least a month to carry the baby." With each word from her mouth a part of Mulder's heart shut down within him. "If things start to get bad we can induce labor with herbs and deliver the baby early. A month early will be ok. The baby will be ok." She added another silent prayer for her child with a rub of her stomach. How? `How could she be doing this to herself?' She found herself wondering. She didn't even know. But she was. She was saying, out loud that it would ok if she would not live to see this child living inside her these past several months. To never look at the face of her baby and see whether it had Mulder's eyes and her mouth. To never tickle the little feet that have been kicking her tender womb. To never tell her child how much she loved it, tell how much a miracle its actual life is, to never be able to teach or love the child as it grew. To never see her grandchildren. She choked on a sob at the thought. Quickly she tried to swallow her fears and regrets to convince Mulder this was right. This had to be done. "You can't do this, Scully." Mulder finally looked up at her. Emotion was raw on his face. His eyes wide and red with tears. Fear. That was the message he sent to her. He was afraid. So was she. "I have to. Listen to me Mulder. Really listen to what I am saying." She paused to take a deep breath before signing her fate. "If the cancer takes the same course it did last time I will make through the rest of the pregnancy. I should even be able to nurse the baby as a newborn." Her voice broke clearly at the thought of not being able to do such an amazing, yet simple thing. She always felt, especially while in medical school, that nursing her child was her responsibility as a woman. Her God given right. "What if you can't?" Mulder hissed at her. "What if you die and can't nurse the baby?" He took her face back in his hands, locking her eyes on his with a deathly serious stare. "What if you die and the baby can't make it because you are here to nourish it?" Sobs over took her body at the thought. "No." She said shaking her head firmly. "No, that won't happen. The baby will be fine without me." "God damn it!" Mulder yelled pushing himself off the bed. The pain his body shot through him at the movement was easily ignored. The pain in his heart wasn't. It was unbearable. Standing at the side of the bed he pointed an accusatory finger at her. "Don't say that just so that you can feel right about what you are doing." He paused, staring at her icily. "Do you even realize what you are doing? You are killing yourself. You are." He dropped his knees in front of her, dropping his head to her lap where she sat on the edge of the bed. "You're killing me." He whispered through sobs, his arms coming to wrap around her body. He shook and trembled in her arms as he raised his head to kiss her stomach. "I am begging you Scully. Don't do this. Don't leave me." Resting his chin on her belly he looked up at her. "Don't do this to our baby." Violently Scully pushed him off of her. "Don't YOU do this to me Mulder! I am doing this for you and for our child." Mulder looked up at her from his crouched position on the floor shaking his head slowly. "You are going to die!" He screamed at her. Getting up onto his knees he moved close to her, almost face level. In a soft whisper he spoke words that torn at his heart. "You will never here the words `I love you Mommy.'" Scully gasp a shocked sob as the palm of her hand slapped Mulder's cheek, hard. "You bastard!" She slapped him again, Mulder made no move to stop her-the pain reminding him just for horribly true this moment was. Only when she balled her hand into a fist did he reached up and caught it in mid-strike. He stood, dropping her hand, and walked to the opposite side of the room and leaned his forehead against the cool stone. Rolling onto her side, Scully curled around herself and cried until she fell asleep, hours later. Mulder never moved. Day 237 Her eyes burned before she even opened them. Pressing the heels of her hands into the sockets she rubbed for a moment. As she rolled onto her back she opened her eyes. The room was dark, only the dim fire lighting the area close to the bed. Scully didn't even have to look over to know that Mulder was asleep with his head on the table, she just knew. An unstoppable sob grew in her throat. But she cast it aside as she slowly sat up, her body fighting her the whole time. Standing slowly, and a little unsteadily, Scully walked silently over to Mulder's side. A small smile spread across her face. He always looked to innocent when he slept. Bringing the back on her hand to her mouth she bit down to conceal the sobs that came out without her control. After a few deep breaths to regain herself she whispered softly to Mulder "I do love you. More then I can even say." Her hands settled on her tummy. "And I love our baby with everything I am. I know you do also." She kissed her first two fingers before running her hand through his hair. Mulder only stirred slightly, his sleep brought on by such exhaustion that he did not respond any more then that. "But I have to do this." Scully, as silently as possible, left the room. Part 42 Day 237(continued) "May all I do today begin with you, O Lord. Plant dreams and hopes within my soul, revive my tired spirit: be with me today. May all I do today continue with your help, O Lord. Be at my side and walk with me: Be my support today. May all I do today reach far and wide, O Lord. My thoughts, my work, my life: make them blessings for your kingdom; let them go beyond today, O God." Scully whispered softly in the vacant Church. She tried calming her pounding heart with deep breaths but it hadn't helped. Scully was panicking. She had to do this. She had to take the chip out before she hurt someone seriously. She couldn't let that happen. The thought of harming Mulder again made her stomach twist. The concept that she could hurt her child made her almost physically ill, her mind couldn't even fathom the pain she would go through. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if either happened. But what she was doing? This went against everything she was taught as a child. Everything Mulder had said to her back in their room she already knew. She knew she was killing herself by taking out the chip. She was risking the health of her child. But it seemed the only option with hope. Ever since Scully thought she was pregnant her mind toyed with the idea that somehow she was healed. Her pregnancy was a mystery to her. Maybe something had happened to the altar the chip when the aliens had colonized. The chip obviously still worked, it had more effect over her now then ever before. But for some reason she had been able to conceive a child. Maybe somehow her cancer was healed too. Scully laughed softly at herself. She felt so pathetic. Sitting in the Church, a scalpel in her hand ready to cut out the only thing that had been keeping her alive for years. Yet her mind was still desperately trying to convince her that she would live. At the moment her life almost seemed like a fairytale, at least the closest thing to a fairytale that she would ever have. She was married to Mulder, something she never even allowed herself to dream of. And she was pregnant. That alone made her head spin. Every time she had thought of Emily over the past few years the wound in her heart would open. That beautiful child that she was only allowed to have in her life for such a short time had effected her more then anything else. This seemed to be her second chance. A miracle. Scully ran her hand over her tummy. She hadn't felt this little miracle move inside her womb in so long. She continued to tell herself that she had just missed the movement. When she was asleep the baby must have shifted, but she was too tired to notice. Choking on a panicked sob she sent a silent prayer for her baby. She was terrified that something had already happened. That her uncontrollable violence had hurt her baby. The very chip that was supposably keeping her alive had killed her child. Or worse, that Mulder's struggle to keep her safe had done it. How would he live with himself? Scully knew he couldn't. He would let his guilt tear him apart until nothing was left. Scully wouldn't be able to watch that happen. She would rather take the blame. The guilt of what she was doing to herself was enough to break her heart, a little more wouldn't matter. Part of her still couldn't believe she was doing this. Killing herself. Might as well be suicide. She was deathly afraid that is what her God would see it as. This was something she was taught never to even think about. Life was too precious to do such a thing. But she was saving a life by doing this. The life of her child. Wasn't she? Scully pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes. Her mind was racing around itself so fast she could barely think straight. Shaking her head to focus, Scully held the scalpel up, the metal gleaming the candle lit room. Her heart pounded in her ears at the sight. She was putting this off. She needed to stop that, she needed to hurry. Scully knew that Mulder would wake soon when he sensed she wasn't in the room. It wouldn't take him very long to find her. And he would stop her. She knew that. Maybe part of her wanted him to came barging in here to save her from herself. But then a vicious cycle would start. She would just sneak off the next chance she worked up the courage to take out the chip. Scully nodded to herself. This needed to be done, and it needed to be done tonight. Before Mulder woke and found her, before he would make someone stay with her at all times to keep her from doing this. She knew he would do all these things. To save her and to save his child. Taking a deep breath, Scully reached a hand around to find her chip in her neck. It was barely noticeable. She doubted anyone other then herself and Mulder would even know it was there through touch. But it was there, just above the clasps of the two chains she wore around her neck. Grasping the oldest of the chains she followed it down the front of her neck, closing the small cross in her hand. "I'm sorry." She whispered to God. "I'm so sorry." Tears fell unbidden down her cheeks at the thought of her mother. How disappointed she would be. Maybe she would understand, Scully hoped, being a mother herself. She couldn't even get the words out as she thought of Mulder. How would he go on? She knew he would, for their child. But she knew that he would rather die along side her when the time came. Part of her wished he would too. Being without him, even in the after life, seemed unbearable. "I'm doing this for you." She whispered to her silent child. Scully wiped the tear streaks from her cheeks with her fingers before placing the small tweezers she would use to pull out the small chip on her thigh. With a deep breath she brought the scalpel up her flesh. Part 43 Day 237 (continued) The sharp nudge in Scully's womb caused her to gasp. Another followed as the scalpel slipped and cut into her neck. The scalpel dropped with the ground with a clatter as her hands flew to her stomach, feeling the motions of her child inside and out. "Oh thank God." She whispered through tears of relief and joy. "Scully." She heard Mulder's frantic voice as he entered the room. All in the moment reality flooded her mind. "What's wrong?" Mulder tilted her gaze from the floor to him. Scully cried a little harder at the look in his eyes. So full of worry and love. Wordlessly Scully pulled his hands from her face and pressed them against her stomach. The relief that washed over him was visible. Mulder's eyes closed as Scully pulled his head to her chest, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and holding him to her. Scully could feel Mulder's tears seeping through her shirt and landing hot on her skin, yet he was silent. She wove her fingers into his hair and pressed her lips to his head, letting her tears fall into his hair. After a moment he smiled up at her, it quickly faded to pure fear. Scully watched in confusion as he reached a hand up to her neck. His fingertips skimmed over her skin, sliding slightly. Pulled his hand between them Scully saw her blood glistening. "You-?" "No." She said quickly. "I didn't- I was going to.. But the baby kicked. I only cut myself." His eyes closed in relief as he lowered his head down to nuzzle the space between her breasts and her swollen belly. "Thank God." He whispered brokenly. "I'm sorry." She whispered after a few long moments. Mulder slowly raised his wet eyes to her, unable to take his hands from the movement inside her body. "I'm so sorry." Scully repeated. "I. I don't know what I was thinking." "You were just trying to do what you thought would be the best for our baby." Mulder defended her from herself. Scully looked away from him. "It would be better. But I don't think I can do it." Mulder raised himself up on his knees more. "Then don't." She looked at him with a sad smile. He sounded so hopeful. "I don't know if I can live like this." Her voice was a distant whisper. At his confused shake of his head she went on. "Never trusting myself. I don't know when I won't have control. What if one time I have a calling and you aren't there to stop me?" Scully didn't wait for him to answer, she was only thinking out loud. Mulder had no answers for her questions, she didn't expect him too. "What would happen if next time I go into labor?" Her eyes closed at the horrible thought of such a thing happening. "Hey." Mulder said softly to get her attention. Sliding one hand from her waist he cupped her jaw lightly. "You could ask what ifs until you are blue in the face, we both could. But that isn't going to help or answer any questions or make us feel any better about the callings." He broke their gaze for a moment to look off in thought. "I think- I know what would be best for you, and me and most importantly our child, is if you leave that chip in as long as you can." He returned his eyes to hers steadily. "But if the callings get worse, if they happened more often," his voice broke at just the thought of what he was saying, "Then the only thing to do would be to take out the chip." Scully nodded quickly then was distracted by a particularly hard kick and laughed softly as she guided his hand to the area under attack. Mulder rubbed his palm over the spot for a moment before looking up at her. "Let's go back to bed. We've both had a few long days." Nodding in agreement she touched his cheek to bring his mouth up to hers for a languid kiss. Pulling away she rested his forehead against his. "Can you wait for me outside. I need to do something." He nodded before pressed his lips to hers again. Then down onto the top of her stomach. As he stood Mulder ran his hand down her arm, not wanting to break contact with her just yet. Scully waited until she heard the door click shut gently before she began to cry silently again. It felt wonderful to be crying for hope and joy, instead of guilt and fear. But she was still afraid, very afraid. Her mind, no matter how hard she tried, still raced with questions and worries. Part of which she knew was a normal part of pregnancy. But she was so afraid of herself, which was such unusual feeling. Never before did she have to fear herself. Never before was she unable to control her own mind. She shook her head forcefully. "Enough of that." She told herself out loud. Worrying will only make you age faster, as her grandmother always said. And Scully planned on living a long time. In the silence of the Church at this hour was easy to focus her mind on reality. On being logical. Scully ran a hand down her belly. "Let's go see Daddy, baby." She whispered as she stood and walked down the short aisle to the door. Mulder was leaning against the wall, he pushed himself to standing as Scully walked out. "Ready?" Tucking her hair behind her ears Scully leaned into his side. "Yes." With his hand on the small of Scully's back he walked her to their room. Part 44 Day 238 "He's not mad at you." Mulder breathed in Scully's ear as he leaned over, bracing a hand on either side of the doorframe, trapping Scully between the door to the Medical Room and himself. Scully hung her head slightly, leaning back against Mulder's chest. "But I'm mad at me." His released breath stirred Scully's hair. "I know. And I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better. I've tried." Mulder laughed softly, trying to keep the lingering stress of the situation at bay. "But I think you will feel better after you talk with him." Rubbing her hands over her arms, Scully nodded. "You're probably right." "Are you cold?" "A little." She said with a shrug. Without another word Mulder unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, revealing another long sleeved shirt underneath. "Now you'll be cold." Scully argued weakly as he turned her around to face him and gestured for her to put the shirt on. Mulder pulled her arm through the sleeve as if he was dressing a toddler. "I'll be fine." Scully just raised her eyebrows letting him finish buttoning the shirt. Just to procrastinate from talking to Skinner. "Look at this." Scully said with a frown as she poked at the way the shirt tented over her belly. With a soft laugh Mulder leaned over and kissed Scully's cheek before reaching behind her to open the Medical Room door, forcing her in. Scully turned to see Amanda sitting on the edge of Skinner's bed, talking softly to him. They both looked over as Mulder clicked the door shut behind her. "Hi." She said weakly. "Dana." Amanda said in surprise, raising from the bed to walk over and hug her gently. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she pulled away, trying to look discreetly at Scully's bruises. Scully turned her head away slightly, ashamed. "I'm better, thank you." "It's good to see you on your feet again, Scully." Skinner said with an honest smile. "I've got some things to do." Amanda said quickly. "I'll see you both later." With a smile towards Skinner she left the room. Scully turned tensely towards Skinner. "Come sit down." He said, gesturing a hand to the chair beside his bed. She did as asked. Immediately bursting into tears. "I'm so sorry." She whispered around a hand over her mouth. "It's ok." Skinner said gently. Hesitantly he placed a hand on her arm, squeezing. "Amanda fixed me right up. Don't worry about it." He said lamely. "Don't worry about it?! I could have killed you." Scully couldn't bare to look at him so she plucked at the buttons of Mulder's shirt. "But you didn't" He ran his hand down her arm and pulled her fidgeting fingers into his. Moments passed where neither said a word until Skinner broke the thick silence. "I believe everything happens for a reason. Don't you?" After a moment's thought Scully nodded. The more she thought about it, and the more that happened in her life, it only seemed logical. Life was too complicated, too many choices and options for one thing not to lead to another, for them all not to be connected in a certain way. Fate maybe. "Well I was shot and that lead to Amanda and I. Amanda and I being together again. It set that right." Scully looked up at him uncertainly. After a moment she looked down to their embraced hands. "It doesn't make me feel any better." Skinner chuckled. "Honestly I'm not surprised. If I was in your situation I. I actually have no idea what I would be thinking." For some reason that made Scully feel better. Looking up she held his eyes for the first time with a smile. Somehow people were able to sense that Mulder was there to talk. Without uttering one word he stood in the Main Room and people joined him. Gathering around they all spoke at once in a soft concerned tones. "Is Dana all right?" "We haven't seen her in days, is everything ok?" Mulder smiled appreciatively at them. It still amazed him that this many people, all strangers only a few months ago, cared so much. These simple charms that adorned each and every neck in this complex system of catacombs immediately made a person an ally. Every week new people would arrive, weak, thin and freezing from their journey. They would be brought into the warm walls of Nova, given a room, small and drab but compared to the snowy ailments they come from very inviting. Supplied with more food then they had seen in months. With fresh milk, and meat when available. The comforts of a constant fire, a soft bed, and new clothes. And most importantly instant friends. Of course the initial judgements were passed, it was basic human nature. This person came from a pampered life, that person isn't a Christian, that person isn't Jewish, this one has such a large family-they will expect more then their fair share. But words were always kind, rumors where rumors. And they never lasted long. Walking the halls late in the evening Mulder would catch bits and pieces of conversations with the newcomers. All of which were intellectual and friendly. Mulder had never experienced something like this. People consistently being good natured. He had to wonder if it was the surroundings or the situation. But it didn't really matter, as long as it stayed like this. He believed that as long as people were arriving and there was work to be done and good people to do it, nothing would change. "She is going to be ok." Mulder said with an involuntary smile. Relieved murmurs and bright smiles were his replies. Mulder cleared his throat after a moment. "I'm sure you are all wondering where we stand on the chip subject, so I will tell you. Scully is leaving it in." Ignoring the mumbling Mulder continued. "After a long discussion Scully and I both feel it is for the best at the moment. There is too much at stake if she was to remove the chip at this time. Besides, she was able to warn Nova once about an attack, I think this is a precious gift that we need to hang on to as long as everything stays under control." Mulder paused and looked out at everyone. "I'm very sorry if anyone has a problem with how we are dealing with this. I ask you to put yourself in our position. As far as we know this is the only thing keeping Scully alive at the moment. The only thing enabling her to keep this baby alive." Immediately the scattered grim faces softened. "It may be our only hope for knowing what the aliens are planning. In my opinion I don't think there is much room for debate." Mulder's hopes were too weak, too unsteady, to stand and wait for someone to argue them. Quickly he nodded to the crown, bowed his head slightly and walked away leaving the rumors to begin as he knew they would. Day 240 Mulder glanced over at Scully from his seat at the table. She lay, like she had for the past hour, staring into the fire. Rising slowly, Mulder walked over and sat by her, rubbing his hand up and down the side of her thigh. Scully looked away from to fire to his eyes with a soft smile. "What you thinking about?" She blushed a little and ran a hand over her stomach. With a knowing smile Mulder moved to lay down behind her, covering her roaming hand with his own. Scully rolled over with a grin. "So are you ready?" He gave her a confused look. "To deliver the baby?" With a groan he lowered his head to bury it between her breasts. "Why do you like teasing me with this? You do realize I'm scared to death, don't you?" She kissed the top of his head. "I'm sharing my fear." Mulder quickly looked up at her. "If you would rather-" "No." She said quickly. "I'm just scared of the actual labor process, pain has never been my strong suit." She touched his cheek tenderly. "But having you there will make it much better." "I would be there even if I wasn't going to deliver the baby, Scully, you know that." She nodded and ruffled his hair playfully. "I know. But for some reason having you being the only other person with me helps." Mulder pulled back slightly. "You don't want anyone else in the room? What if I need help? Scully.." He said uneasily. "It will be ok." She said gently with a shrug. "I just don't want anyone else there. Don't ask me to explain it because I can't." She laughed softly at herself. "I'll blame it on hormones." Frowning, Mulder set his head on the pillow next to Scully, staring at her uncertainly. She pouted slightly. "Please, just trust me on this. It feels right." "I don't understand you one bit." He said in a tone that made Scully know he had agreed with her. With a brilliant smile she leaned forward and kissed his nose. "You know I can't say no you to." He grumbled with a smile. Scully hummed happily and settled herself close to Mulder, with her head under his chin. "Good night, Mulder." She said sweetly. The moment the words were out of her mouth a loud knock sounded at the door. "Ignore it." She quickly told Mulder, wrapping an arm around his waist and borrowing her face in his neck. "You know I can't do that." He groaned shifting his way out of bed. Mulder swung the door open the be greeted by Langly, Frohike, and Byers all grinning madly. "What the-?" "Coming through." Langly announced at they pushed their way into the room. Scully sat up on the bed with a look of shock. "Where in the world did you get that?" She asked as they lugged a freshly painted wooden crib into the far corner. "We made it." Byers proclaimed. Mulder's jaw dropped open. "You're kidding?" "Oh my God. Thank you." Scully said hugging each man in turn, trying to hold back the grateful tears. "Consider it our baby present to the both of you." Langly said patting the railing proudly. "How did you build that so fast?" Mulder asked suspiciously. Frohike frowned at his disbelieving tone. "We work well together." Byers tactfully grabbed the other men by their elbows and dragged them to the door. "We can tell you two were just getting off to bed. We just wanted to bring it over as soon as we finished it." "Bye!" Mulder and Scully heard called as the door was shut. For a moment they just stood, staring that the new piece of furniture. Scully walked up and ran her hand over the semi rough wood. "I hate to ask. but is it safe?" She laughed softly. Mulder bit his lip and shrugged. Leaning down he picked up the small mattress and placed it in the crib. "It's a tight fit." He muttered trying to press the mattress down. Scully walked up next to him and helped push. There was a slight crack, then a clatter as the far side of the crib near the wall fell off and landed on the ground. Scully slapped a hand over her mouth trying to hold in the laughter. "Whoops." Mulder said as he took Scully by the shoulders and lead her back to bed. "I think that is a bad omen." Laughing he tucked the blankets around Scully. "We'll fix it in the morning." Turning off the lamps he crawled back in bed next to a still giggling Scully. "We won't tell them that happened. The poor guy's hearts will be broken." With one last laugh she rested her head on Mulder's shoulder. "That was sweet of them though." Nodding in agreement Mulder turned his head and kissed her forehead with a fond smile. "Night, Scully." Part 45 Day 243 "Scully.. What are you doing?" She stood back from the dresser, hands on her hips, with a frown. "I don't like how this is set up." Mulder rolled his eyes as he read on the bed. "You've reorganized that drawer three times tonight." "I know." She mumbled, glaring at the drawer in question. Tossing his book to the side, Mulder crawled on all fours to the end of the bed. He reached out and grabbed Scully's hand, tugging her towards the bed. "Come on. It's getting late." She gently slipped her hand from his, really not listening to what he was saying. "I just want to fix this." With an over exaggerated groan Mulder threw himself back onto the bed. "You're impossible." Scully looked over her shoulder for a split moment. "Huh?" "Scully." He said loudly with a smile. "Come to bed. Please." "Sorry." She said sheepishly. "It was just. bothering me for some reason." Scully muttered as she pulled the blankets up from the foot of the bed and laid back. Mulder laughed under his breath as he settled in next to her, his hand rubbing her round belly. "I think you are nesting." Scully glared at him. "I loathed that term." "Why?" Mulder asked with a disbelieving laugh. "I don't need to feather my nest." She muttered with distaste. "I'm just. straightening. and organizing." "Scully." She looked up at him. "Quit while you are ahead." "Shut up, Mulder." Scully muttered. His response was a yawn. Scully smiled as wiggled into the sheets. "About time you started listening to me." "I worked hard today." Mulder defended himself halfheartedly as he nuzzled his face into the crook of Scully's neck. She ran her hand over the arm that was slung lazily over her body with a frown. "I don't like the idea of you working outside in the snow all day, Mulder. You're going to come down with something." "We've got to finish the new barns for next year so we can work on the fields as soon as the weather changes. Otherwise we will be trying to do too many things at once and we won't have the crops we should be able to or homes for the animals that are born in spring." Mulder rationalized in a monotone voice, this wasn't the first time he had to tell Scully the reason for doing what he was. "Isn't there something you can do inside?" Mulder pulled his face away from her body, hoisting himself up with an arm on either side of her head. "Everyone who can't work outside is working inside." He kissed her quickly, then moved down and settled his head on her breasts and his hand on her stomach. "Enough talk. More sleep." Scully sifted her head through his hair, watching the firelight bounce off. "Why don't you just say `shut up, Scully?'" "Shut up, Scully." She slapped his head lightly. "Hey." He muttered. "You told me to." Scully ran her nails lightly over the back of his neck, causing him to shiver. "Well since you seem to be doing what I tell you to tonight, tell your child to stop kicking me so I can sleep." Mulder's hand roamed her belly until he found the motions. "Stop kicking your Mom, baby, she needs her rest." His voice was just a whisper, barely audible to Scully. "Thank you." Scully whispered with a smile, laying her hand against his cheek. "Good night." "Night, Scully." His next words were so soft, Scully wasn't sure if she actually heard them or if it was her imagination. "Good night, little one. Hope to see you soon." Day 245 Skinner leaned back in his chair, resting his good arm over his bad. "You're full of shit." He accused Amanda with a grin. "I am not." She said through a laugh. "Then why are you laughing?" Amanda chose to ignore that question. "I'm serious. I saw it with my own eyes." Skinner rubbed the back of his neck looking at her suspiciously. "Langly. building a chair..." He repeated is amazement. "Not just one chair, the last of four." He shook his head slowly. "I was wondering what those guys would do without their computers." Laughing, Amanda shifted in her chair, watching Skinner intently. After a moment she broke eye contact, fiddling with an imaginary piece of lint of her pant leg. "I've missed this. Just talking, just being here. with you." Skinner nodded. "Yeah, I did too." "I'm sorry." Amanda said quickly with a sudden burst of bravery. "I pushed you away when I really wanted you with me. I was alone, I was scared-" "Stop." Skinner interrupted softly as he slid his chair closer to her. "I understand why you did what you did. Hey." He reached his hand out to tilt her face up to his. "Look at me. I understand. I wish you hadn't. We both need each other, Mandy. And we are together now. So let's not dwell on the past. You are sorry and I accept that. I am sorry for the way I tried to push you into talking with me. I should have let you be. But I was scared." His voice dropped low. "I didn't-I don't want to lose what we have. I've never had anything like this and I have a feeling its just going to get better from here." He was interrupted by the Medical Room door opening and Mulder walking in. He immediately looked embarrassed for walking in on their obviously private conversation. "Scully's not here." He noted. Amanda shook her head with a friendly smile. "She kept yawning so we forced her to go lay down for a little while." Mulder smiled appreciatively. "I can always use a few more people on my side." He trailed off, looking back and forth between the two. "I'll leave you guys alone, thanks." Shutting the door Mulder muttered an "Whoops" under his breath as he started down the hallway towards his room. "Hey, Mulder!" He turned at the sound of his name, looking for who it came from. Seeing Bobby walking towards him he met him half way. "Hey, Bobby." "Do you have a minute." The older man asked. Mulder nodded and gestured for him to walk over to the side of the hallway. "What's on your mind?" Bobby let out a long breath, looking down the hallway to see if anyone was listening. "I saw a few ships today." "That's not unusual." Mulder said with a nod. "I see at least one or two fly overhead every day." "I know. but this was different." Mulder involuntarily leaned forward, waiting the rest of the story. "Go on." He said after a moment of tensing silence. "They were moving very slow." Bobby said uncomfortably. "They usually move fairly fast. But it was like they lingered over Nova. They flew in like usual, then. hesitated for a few minutes before moving on." Mulder rubbed his jaw. "I see." "Listen." Bobby said quickly. "I know it might be nothing, but it just didn't sit right with me." After another moment of silence Mulder slapped Bobby's shoulder lightly. "Thanks for telling me. Let me know if anything else odd happens." "I will." The older man said with a nod. "I'll see you around." ". Yeah." Mulder said distracted. A minute or two later he shook himself from his thoughts and made his way down the rest of the hallway, opening the door to his room slowly, in case Scully was sleeping. He saw her, curled slightly on her side, with a peaceful expression. Moving silently he sat at her hip, pushing hair from her face. Scully woke slightly from her light sleep. "Hi." She whispered. "Hey. How are you feeling?" She smiled. "Good. I'm just resting for a bit." Mulder nodded, relieved. Rolling onto her back slightly she looked up at him. "Is everything ok?" Trying to give a convincing smile he rubbed her belly. "Of course it is." Day 248 "Don't start that again." Mulder called from his reclined position on the bed as he watched Scully walk up to the dresser and open the top drawer. She looked up with a sheepish laugh. "I won't." "You're awfully antsy tonight.. You ok?" "Yeah." She said quickly. "I think I am just starting to go stir crazy." Mulder nodded in understanding. The past two days it had snowed heavily, trapping everyone inside unless they wanted to start shivering after a few moments in the cold. Scully stretched her arms over her head with a groan. "You ok?" "You already asked that and I said yes, I'm am." Scully smiled over at him, finding his over protectiveness amusing at the moment. Mulder frowned. "Sorry." "It's ok." She said lightly, fiddling with the stacks of dishes on the cabinet. "Oh!" She said in surprise, pressing a hand to her stomach as she let out a long breath. "Scully?" Mulder was on his feet and to her side in a moment. She waved him off as he tried to help her sit. Her eyes were closed tightly as she let out long slow breaths. "Scully, what's wrong?" He asked once she opened her eyes and stood up right again. "I. I think I just had a contraction." Mulder took a surprised step back. "But-" "False labor." She said quickly. "It happens towards the end of pregnancy. and we really don't know how far along I am so it makes sense." "Will you please lay down?" He gently took her elbow and guided her towards the bed. She sat stiffly on the edge. "I don't want to lay down. I'll sit though." She looked up at his troubled face. "It's ok, Mulder." Scully smiled up at him, taking his hand gently in hers. "Don't worry. I feel perfectly ok." He nodded before letting his hand slip from hers and began to pace the room. Scully rolled her eyes thinking that the only thing Mulder needed was a cigar and he would look like the typical father in the waiting room. If it was labor that is. "Oh God!" Scully said in disbelief. "What?" Mulder asked quickly turning around to look at her. She stared up at him with wide eyes. "My water just broke." Part 46 Day 248 (continued) Mulder blinked at her for a moment. "Are you sure?" Scully gave a short nervous laugh. "Yes. Mulder, I'm sure." She gestured to her now wet pants. The moment the panic set in was visible on Mulder's face. "Lay down." He ordered, walking over and moving her feet up on the bed. His mind quickly going through the many pages of labor instruction he had read. "Mulder, relax." She said, trying to do just that herself. "I've had one contraction-" "The labor process speeds up the moment water breaks." He recited, as he gently pulled off her pants. Keeping his voice calm and even was by far one of the hardest things he had ever had to do. Scully was in labor. Actual labor. His mind was still struggling to catch up with its surroundings. Scully took a deep breath, trying to ease the nervousness in her stomach as she shifted to rest herself comfortably on the bed. She watched for a moment as Mulder moved to get her a clean pair of pants. "What you doing?" He glanced over his shoulder quickly. "You just need to put them on for a minute while I get you to the Medical Room." For months he had the plan of how this event would go worked out in his head. Part of him believed that if it went how he had pictured, nothing could possible go wrong. "We can't go there." Scully said quickly. "Skinner is still there." Mulder paused as he kneeled down to help her into the pants. "He can go back to him room, Amanda can take care of him in there." "No." Mulder looked up at her, shocked to see she looked like a frightened animal. "I want to stay here." Scully crossed her arms protectively over her belly. The thought of walking into that room, anywhere, and meeting up with someone made her heart pound even harder in her chest. Not many people had seen Scully when she was scared, truly scared. Mulder was the only person out of those few that was still alive that she knew of. Scully had no plans to add to that list. "Scully-" "No. I want to stay in the room, Mulder. I don't want to leave. I'm staying." He didn't know how to respond to her defensive and determined tone. "Ok." Mulder said slowly, looking around the room. Cautiously he brought his gaze back to her. "Are you sure I can't take you to the Medical Room?" Mulder immediately held up his hand to ward off her protests after the angry look she shot him. "I have to go get a few things then." Suddenly his plans were turned upside down, but he was determined to shift through the rubble and get through this. Nervously Scully ran her hands over her belly. "Ok." Her throat went painfully dry at the thought of spending even a minute alone. Mulder moved to her upper body and began to pull off her shirt. "Let's get you a little more comfortable, ok?" She nodded and raised her arms she he pulled the first layer of her shirts over her head. She lowered her arms with a sharp gasp, immediately turning it into deep practiced breaths. It shocked her how quickly her instinct took over and made her breathe evenly, even though she wanted to double over in pain. But just after the first cleansing breath her body relaxed some, the pain leaving with the air. Gently, as to not distract Scully too much, Mulder pushed her hair away from her face as it started to stick to the thin sheen of sweat. "That's it." He said gently as she breathed through her second contraction. Scully let out one last long breath. "These are coming fast." She said weakly. Suddenly she wished the wives tale of a woman's first labor taking hours upon hours was true. Scully didn't feel ready for this. Her body: yes, her mind: no. Mulder just nodded as he pulled off the rest of her clothing quickly. "Here, lets put this on." He pulled a large short sleeved shirt over her head. "Are you warm enough?" Scully nodded quickly. Giving her a reassuring smile, Mulder picked up her hands and kissed them lightly. "I'm going to go, I'll be right back. Ok?" A little part of him wished she would say no, that he couldn't leave her. Even for a minute. Because he didn't want to. Mulder wanted to climb into bed with her, wrap his arms around her body and take away some of her pain. She nodded and tugged his hands close to her. Mulder met her half way and gave her a gentle kiss. "Hurry, please." Scully whispered. Mulder quickly stood. "Trust me, I will." Without another look, for fear he wouldn't be able to tear himself away from her, he left the room. It was all he could do not to run down the hallway, but there was nothing he could do to stop his jog. Throwing open the door to Medical Room he stumbled upon Skinner and Amanda talking quietly. "You ok, Mulder?" Skinner asked as he looked Mulder up and down. His face was flushed, from his run to the room and an intense mixture of nervousness and excitement. "Scully's in labor." He said in a breath. Amanda jumped up from the bed. "Do you need help?" The truth was she had no idea what to do, she had barely read anything about childbirth. But she was willing to try. Mulder was busy gathering together the items he had organized for this moment last month. "No, thanks." "Wait a second." Skinner said, sitting upright more on the bed. "Who's delivering the baby then?" He had been so wrapped up in his life with Amanda, or lack there of, for the past few months he missed details like this. Straightening up, bounty in hand, Mulder smiled nervously. "You're looking at him." Amanda let out a surprised laugh. She figured she would have better luck then Mulder. Then again, the man never ceased to amaze her. "Listen." Mulder said lightly making his way towards the door. "I would love to stand here and talk about how unqualified and scared to death I am about doing this. And how much I wish I could hand this responsibility over to someone else so I can start pacing and wait for the baby to be born. But the pregnant lady said I'm doing it, so I'm doing it." "If you need any help come and get me." Amanda said as she opened the door for Mulder so he wouldn't have to jungle his armload. Mulder nodded gratefully. "I will, Thanks." Though he prayed he would have no need to. "Good luck." Skinner called as Mulder hurried down the hallway, stopping only to add a bucket of water to his already heavy load. Somehow he managed to open the door to his room without dropping anything. "Everything alright?" He asked Scully the moment he stepped inside. Scully nodded, looking worried. The few minutes she was alone ticked by like years. Depositing his items on the table he sat beside her with a damp cloth in his hands. "Lean back a little." Mulder whispered, placing the cloth over her forehead as she did. "Did you have another contraction while I was gone?" "No." She said softly. Her heart pounded in her ears so loudly she could barely hear herself speak. Before she went into labor and thought about the whole process she was frightened. She knew it would be painful, hopefully not too long, and probably the most emotional experience of her life. The moment she went to into labor she could think of nothing else other then the fact that after some very severe pain she was going to be responsible for a new life. The care, the nurturing, the education, the love, the list went on and on. Mulder smiled brightly at her, stroking her flushed cheek the back on his fingers. "Relax." "This is coming from the man who began to fidget nervously every time you thought of this moment. What's with the sudden air of nonchalant?" He shook his head clueless. "Adrenaline maybe. Or the fact that it is actually happening so I better just deal with it." Scully opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it as a strong contraction went through her body. Shutting her eyes tightly she squeezed Mulder's hand to the point of pain. But he did not utter a word as she breathed through her own, more pressing pain. He watched as the tension melted from her body in one last breath. "Ok?" She nodded, a tear slipping from the corner of her closed eye. Mulder leaned forward to kiss it away. "You are doing great." She nodded, finally opening her eyes. "You can do this." He said softly. "We both can." "Yes, we can." She agreed with a smile. They had no choice, it came down to that. "Ok." Mulder said looking around. "Let's get you set up, this is happening a little faster then either of anticipated and I won't want to be rushed later on." "Where do you want me?" Scully asked, letting him take control of the situation, her mind wasn't nearly as together at his seemed to be. "Slide closer to the foot of the bed, so that I can kneel at the bottom. Here, I'll help you." Gently he helped her wiggle down a few feet, pilling pillows up for her to lean back on. "Do you want to sit up?" Scully was quiet for a moment. She hadn't thought about these slight details beforehand, which surprised her. She had felt fairly prepared, now she was flustered and nervous. "I think so." Mulder nodded and set more pillows up for her. "Lean back and tell me if that is ok." "Perfect." She said softly. With a nod he slowly moved down to her feet, trying not breaking physical contact with her if not necessary. Mulder moved everything to the foot of the bed, so that he wouldn't have to move far away from Scully and the baby. "How do you want your legs?" "I don't know." Scully said suddenly feeling tired. Mulder had everything under control, she saw that and her body responded how it wanted it, with lethargy. Maybe it was human nature, suddenly slowing down to store energy for the actual birth, or maybe her adrenaline wore off. Mulder ran his hands up and down her calves after he bent them so her feet were flat on the mattress. "This ok?" She nodded dully. With one last look around, Mulder felt everything was ready, he just had to wait on the baby now. He was becoming anxious, while Scully was the complete opposite. He moved from the foot of the bed and sat slightly behind Scully, running his hands over her shoulders and arms. "Comfortable?" "I think as much as I can be, yes." Scully leaned her head back onto his shoulder. "I'm feeling tired." Mulder kissed her temple lightly. "Go ahead and rest. Just let me know when you feel like you want to push as the contractions get closer." "I know." She said with a smile. "I am the doctor after all." "Not tonight you aren't. Dr. Mulder is here to take care of you." He said with a snicker. Scully made a small whimpering noise as another contraction started. Mulder quickly moved to take her hand, letting her breath through it. Instinctively he wanted to help her breath, to coach her through it. But they had decided beforehand that he wouldn't do that. Not when he would have to be focusing on the baby. "They are getting stronger." She said breathlessly after a few moments rest. "That's good." Mulder hugged her gently from behind. "Fast labor means less pain I would assume." Scully nodded enthusiastically. "Less pain in a very good thing." She sucked in another quick breath. "Another one?" Mulder asked in shock. She nodded as she released a long breath. Reluctantly Mulder slid away from her and down to the foot of the bed, making a quick stop to retrieve one of the pans of hot water he had on the stove. Washing his hands quickly but thoroughly he gently lifted the sheet tenting Scully's lower body, just as she relaxed back into the pillows. "I'm not ready to push yet." She informed Mulder in a slightly panicked tone. "Ok." He said gently. "Don't try to rush anything, Sweetheart." Mulder expected to feel a little odd examining Scully in the way he was, but he didn't. It felt completely natural for him to be checking the progress of the birth of his child. "Everything looks text book so far." He said in relief, covering her again. With a tired hand Scully wiped sweat from her brow. "Here, let me get that." Mulder said moving to dampen the cloth. Placing it gently on her forehead he tucked her damp hair behind her ears. "You're doing great." He whispered honestly in her ear. The pain was obvious, but Scully had kept her usual brave face. "This is happening too fast." She whispered. "That's good." Mulder reassured, tenderly rubbing her belly. "I'm going to miss this." He said with a soft laugh. He loved her pregnant body. So full and healthy. She was so alive. His thoughts were interrupted by another contraction hitting Scully. He waited it out with her. Wiping away the damp streams on her cheeks and kissing her face lightly. "I think it's time you start to push. Maybe another contraction or two, but these are coming fast and strong." "Oh God." Scully whispered, panic settling deep in her chest. Mulder moved down the bed once again. "It's going to be ok, Scully. Do you think you are ready to push?" With a clenched jaw she nodded, feeling another contraction coming around the corner. "This one?" Scully quickly shook her head. She wasn't ready. She needed another moment to collect her mind. This was actually happening. She was about to give birth to her child. Mulder squeezed her knee as she breathed through the pain with one hand, and lifted away the sheet with the other. "The baby is crowning." He said with a twist of nervousness in his stomach. Scully nodded. "I'm ready." "All right." An intense wave of adrenaline passed over Mulder. With a long released breath from Scully, Mulder watched as her face twisted with concentration and pain. "You're going great, Scully." He said softly as he guided the baby's head out her body. "Keep pushing, Sweetheart." She stopped as the contraction ended, panting and struggling to wipe the sweat from her eyes with a tired hand. "Are the shoulders out?" Scully asked breathlessly. "Just about." "Everything ok?" Scully barely got the words out before she had to push again. "Perfect, Scully. Just keep pushing." He answered, half his attention on her and half on the new life he held partly in his hands. Scully collapsed back into the pillows. "Mulder." Said softly, not in question, just as a statement. Mulder pressed his lips to the inside of Scully's knee. "You're going great. One more push, ok?" Her nod quickly segued into her last push. In a moment the silent room filled with the cries of their baby. With a sob, of relief and joy, Scully fell back against the pillows. "Mulder?" Her exhausted voice called. "She's beautiful, Scully." He said is awe as he quickly cut the umbilical cord and cleaned the crying baby slightly. Never before had Mulder held something so precious, so amazing in his hands. He was looking at a true miracle. "She?" Scully said, forcing her limbs to cooperate enough to sit up. Cradling the wet baby against his chest, Mulder made his way over to Scully. At the moment he finally understood why Scully wanted him to deliver their baby. Knowing that he was the first person to touch their child, and that Scully would be the second. it just seemed right. It was how nature intended. Mulder eased the child, still wet from birth, onto Scully's chest. "She is beautiful." Scully whispered as the baby quieted slightly due to Scully's comforting stroking. She ran her hands over her whole, small body. Counting fingers and toes, tracing her plump cheeks, tiny hands, and rosebud mouth. Mulder watched Scully hold the baby for a moment, his arms wrapped around her and his forehead against the side of her head. "I need to clean her up so she doesn't get cold." He said after a few more moments. "Ok." Scully said softly, reluctantly letting Mulder lift the child from her arms. She turned onto her side to watch him carefully carry the baby to the table to set her down a pile of blankets, gently washing her tender skin. Once cleaned he dressed her quickly in a cloth diaper and a simple cotton one piece to ward off chills. "Mulder, I want to hold her." Scully called as he moved to set her in the crib. "So do I." He said with a smile as he made his way back over to the bed. "But I need to clean you up too." As he gently washed her, Scully looked longingly over to the other side of the room. "Arms up." Mulder said, breaking her out of her daze. He quickly pulled a clean shirt over her head and helped move her to the top of the bed. "I'll go get her." He pressed a long kiss to her forehead and moved to get the baby just as she began to cry. "Shh." He cooed softly as he wrapped a blanket around the small bundle and sat beside Scully. Scully held out her arms expectantly. "What should we name her?" She asked after a few moments of silence. Mulder lifted his head slightly from where he was leaning back against the wall, Scully's head resting on his shoulder. He ran his hand up and down the baby's leg. "Any ideas?" Scully's eyes slowly began to close without her control as she leaned into Mulder's warmth. "You wanted a girl so you must have something thought up." She smiled up knowingly. "Please share." Mulder blushed a little. "I've always loved the name Aeryn." Looking down at the baby, Scully smiled. "That is beautiful, Mulder. And it fits her for some reason. Aeryn it is." Mulder felt a surge of pride at being able to name their daughter. "You pick a middle name." Scully bit her lip. "I think." She said slowly. "It would be fitting if we named her Hope." Pressing his lips to Scully's temple he let out a whispered. "Yes." Pulling way he looked down at the baby in Scully's arms, Aeryn's fingers had wrapped around his index finger without his even knowing it. "That is prefect." "Aeryn Hope." Scully whispered softly. "Welcome to the world." Part 47 Day 249 Scully woke slowly, her body drained and sore. But her heart was light and eager for her to open her eyes. Her mind however, was content to rest longer so her eyes didn't open. Instead she leaned back into Mulder's warmth as he held her behind. His face rested against her neck, his breath moist and warm just below the base of her skull. Under the pillow they shared Scully could feel Mulder's arm folded, lifting her head even more. His other arm, purely out of habit rested over her body, his hand over her now vacant womb. With a deep sigh Scully finally opened her eyes. Immediately she focused across the dim room to the crib. She could see slight movements through the bars and smiled. Scully watched her baby from a distance as Mulder slowly woke beside her. It had been a long night for the both of them. Late night feedings, new parent jitters, long moments spent just staring at the miracle in their arms. She felt as rested as she expected to. "Morning." Mulder whispered in her ear and pressed a long kiss to her neck. "She's awake." He noted as he followed Scully's eye line to the wondrous movement in the crib. "Yeah." Scully said softly, trying, unsuccessfully, to hold in a groan as Mulder moved from behind her. Mulder placed his hand over the pouch of her belly. "Sorry." He said, gently rubbing his hand over the soft flesh. "It's ok." She whispered. He brushed the hair away from her face before pressing his lips to her forehead. "Can I get you anything?" "Yeah." Scully smiled brightly. "The baby." Returning her smile, Mulder leaned down and kissed slowly and deeply. He finally pulled away and slide out of bed, shivering as the cool air of the room hit his bare chest and legs. He stooped by the fireplace to add more wood, while Scully slowly stacked pillows up on the headboard so she could sit with some comfort. Mulder washed his hand before stepping across the room and leaning over the edge of the crib. "Morning, Sunshine." He said softly, staring down at Aeryn's big blue eyes. Carefully he scooped her up in his arms. Instinctively the baby cuddled up to the bare skin of Mulder's chest. "Can I have her?" Scully asked as Mulder sat beside her in bed. As Mulder eased Aeryn away from his chest she began to cry from lose of contact. Scully immediately cooed to try to quiet her. In a moment she was silent as she nursed. Pressing a kiss to Scully's shoulder, Mulder set his head down and closed his eyes. "I should go get breakfast." He muttered. "You feel like eating?" Scully nodded but didn't take her eyes off the baby in her arms. "I think I could eat a little." Mulder eased a pillow beneath Scully's arm to take off some of the weight from the baby. Leaning over he kissed Aeryn's head, the slight dusting of pale hair tickling his nose. Sitting up he kissed Scully's bright hair before once again getting out of bed. He glanced up at Scully as he dressed, and couldn't help but smile at the way she stared at the baby in complete amazement. "Do you want me to tell everyone?" Finally she looked up him with a smile. "Yeah. They should know." Mulder's heart was full with pride at being able to announce the arrival of their baby. With one last smile he left the room. Day 251 "You look beat." Skinner said glancing at Mulder then back to Amanda and Scully where were talking next to the crib, now decorated in handmade blankets. Wooden toys and plush animals where piled in the corner, all gifts from the people of Nova. Mulder shrugged as well as he could from his slouched position against the wall. It had been a long few days. It seemed every time Aeryn would be sleeping and they finally found some quiet time someone would stop by to visit. The random people would only stay for a moment, but some for an hour. The Gunmen came by and it was nearly impossible to get them away from the baby. Mulder had always been used to functioning on little sleep, but usually it was by his choice. Now all he wanted to do was sleep for a few uninterrupted hours. "Scully looks good." Skinner commented. Mulder's head spun around to look at him sharply. "I mean she looks like she is doing well after the birth. Jesus Mulder, relax." Skinner said with a chuckle. "Sorry." He muttered under his breath, looking over at Scully. She did look well. Her body was still full from pregnancy, but he could see her naturally slender figure hidden beneath the light cushion. Mulder preferred her with a little more weight then she normally kept on anyway. He smiled as he watched Scully pass Aeryn into Amanda's arms. Skinner looked over at Mulder with raised brows at his yawn. "Maybe we should get going." Not waiting for him to answer he stepped up towards Amanda. "We should go." Amanda looked up at Skinner then down at Aeryn, disappointed, but knew he was right. "Come by tomorrow." Scully said quickly. "I'll be glad for the company." Mulder stepped up and took Aeryn from Amanda just as the baby yawned. "I think it's everyone's bedtime." He slowly eased the baby into her crib as everyone bid their good byes and left the room. "Beautiful baby." Amanda said softly as they walked down the hallway. Skinner made an agreeable sound in the back of his throat. Reaching over she squeezed his forearm. "Don't worry Walter, I'm in no rush to have kids." There was a moment of silent. "Who said I'm not?" He said without looking at her. Amanda looked sharply over at him until, finally he turned his head and met her eyes. He looked nervous and uncertain, and even a little scared. She held his gaze for a moment, then smiled. "Come on." Amanda said softly, taking his hand in hers and tugging him down the hall to her room. Day 253 Mulder ignored, for the first time at Nova, whoever was knocking at his door. He flat out refused to open his eyes even as the knocking got louder and more often. He ignored it as Scully buried her head against his arm to block out the noise as she too chose to pay no attention to it. He ignored it through the calls of his name. He ignored it up until the point when Aeryn woke up and began to cry. "Damn it." He mumbled, finally dragging himself out as Scully muttered out something along the same lines and went to the baby. "Yeah?" He said as he swung open the door, not hiding the fact that he was not happy to have been woken up. "I'm really sorry to wake you." Alex said before Mulder had even finished stepping out the door. "But Collin never came back for watch last night." Mulder stared at him for a moment as his sleep clogged mind focused on the situation. "Collin should have been back at midnight." "I know." Alex said softly. Running his hand through his hair, Mulder pondered his options. "Ok, I'm going to get dressed and we'll get a few people together and go looking. Have you told Skinner?" Alex nodded quickly. "I'll get him." "No. He hasn't recovered enough to do this. Just tell him we are going and will check back by midnight tonight or assume there is a problem. I'll meet you in the Main Room in about ten minutes." Mulder stepped back into his room and Scully looked up expectantly as she rocked Aeryn in her arms. "I have to go." "What? Outside?" Scully said nervously. It just seemed to get colder and colder lately. Watchers were only out for two hours before shifting off because it was too brutal out. "Yeah." Mulder pulled off his sweatpants and stepped into a pair of jeans. "Collin never came back from watch." Scully frowned as she walked over to the dresser, balancing the baby on one arm she pulled clothes for Mulder out with her free hand. "It's too cold out there if anything happened to him. He wouldn't make it." She handed him his shirts. "We'll find him." He said simply before pulling a sweater on over his head. "This one too." Scully said, forcefully placing another sweater in his hands. Even though Mulder was already feeling suffocated in his layers of clothes he put the offered sweater on to ease her mind. After tying his boots Mulder stood upright and looked at Scully were she stood with Aeryn held tightly to her, her lips pressed to the baby's forehead, and a distant look in her eyes. Mulder walked over and pressed his lips to her temple, his arms enfolding the two carefully. "I'll be ok." Scully nodded. "Just be careful, Mulder." Mulder raised her chin gently with his hand and pressed his lips to hers. Leaning down he kissed Aeryn, once again sleeping. He left the room quickly, unable to look Scully in the eye. Walking out the door was by far the hardest thing he had ever had to do. Part of him, in the back of his mind, screamed that this was nature. Being the first time he was going to leave his wife and new baby and go outside of Nova. But the rest of him, the majority of him just didn't want to leave. It didn't matter why, he just wanted to stay there with his family like he felt he should. To take care of them, to love them, to live. *** Mulder could only remember being this cold one other time in his life, laying in the Antarctic, wrapped in Scully's arms, only able to think of the ship he had just seen fly over head, and how close he had come to losing her again. Now all he could think about was getting back to Scully, preferably wrapped in her arms, in bed, warm and comfortable with his child sleeping safely across the room. But he couldn't. At least not yet, he had to remind himself. Him and three other men had been walking for hours until they finally split up to cover more ground. It wasn't looking good. As Scully said; if something had happened to Collin to keep him from returning to Nova, he wouldn't have been able to spend the night in this cold and live. But Mulder was unable to except that and not be able to bring home the body for his family. They deserved to bury him in the graveyard, with a head stone, with closure. Such a seemingly simple thing made the biggest difference. It filled that hole in a person's heart. Mulder cursed under his breath as it started to snow big fat flakes. This wasn't going to help. He could barely see through the heavy fall. Leaning back against a tree, Mulder stretched his arms over his head. He leaned his head back, then side to side. Easing the tension of his tired and cold muscles. His opened his eyes, head his facing the sky. And his heart stopped. Three ships hovered over head. Motionless. Mulder dropped his arms and stepped out from under the tree, moving around to get a better look. A roar filled his eyes, one he had heard before. The earth shook beneath him. The sky lit with the bright colors of an explosion as Mulder tumbled to the ground. Part 48 of 48 Day 253 (continued) Mulder could feel the cold of the snow burning the exposed skin of his face. He knew he should move, but his head pounded so hard that it was impossible to think about anything else. Slowly, as the ringing in his ears died down, the popping and sizzling sounds of fires were audible. He couldn't hold in a groan as he rolled himself on his back, gasping for air as his throbbing body dealt with the movement. The large flakes of snow that fell on his face were soothing. "Scully." He muttered out loud without even realizing. With a deep cringing breath Mulder forced himself into a sitting position. He pressed the heel of his hand to his spinning head. Ignoring the nausea Mulder struggled to stand. He had to go back to Nova. He must get back as fast as he could. It ran through his head in a continuous loop. Bracing himself with a hand on tree whenever possible, Mulder started trenching through the thick layer of snow on unsteady legs. He focused on nothing else other then getting to Nova. It three hours away though, three hours before the latest two inch snow fall, before a nauseating headache. But the motivation he had now was completely different then his walk away from Nova. That was about finding a body, this was about finding his love. *** The explosion must have been a few hundred miles west of Nova, Mulder decided. As he walked east, towards his home, the destruction lessened slightly. Trees were down everywhere, he hand walked past a few of the newly constructed barns, which now lay in mostly rumble amongst the snow. Even when he was at a distance he could tell Nova had crumbled once again. A large cloud of dust rested in the sky above Nova, brought on by the tumbling of rocks and boulders. The snow now falling from the sky was black with soot. The heat of the fires had turned the ground into slush, Mulder was soaked through and shivering horribly. But, thank God, the air was breathable, the sky though gray was visible, and he could see Nova. Finally Mulder reached a side entrance, only slightly caved in. He picked his way through not being as careful as he should, but he didn't slow down. He couldn't. The heat of the interior of Nova reminded him of the lives inside. He hadn't seen anyone since he split up with the search group, but not once had that crossed his mind. Nova was eerily quiet. Mulder walked as quickly as his bruised body and aching head would allow down a small hallway that would intersect with the North Hallway. The North Hallway was vacant. Mulder's stomach twisted. Ignoring the pain in his body he broke out into a run, taking a small pathway that would cut across to the East Hallway. With one light push his door swung open. "Scully?" He called desperately. His echo was the only answer. Mulder walked over the crib, looking down with a mixture of hope and dread, not sure of what he wanted to see. He saw nothing. "Ok." He whispered to himself. "Think logically." Mulder left the room and made his way down the silent hallways of Nova. With a deep breath Mulder turned the knob of the Medical Room door and stepped into the lit room. "Oh Mulder, thank God you are ok." Judy said holding a fussing Aeryn in her arms. Without a word Mulder walked up and took the baby into his arms holding her close to him, his lips pressed to her forehead, breathing in the comforting clean baby scent. Aeryn quieted in his familiar presence. After a moment he raised his head and looked around the Medical Room, fully expecting to see Scully kneeling by one of the many cots. Mulder's eyes closed in fear. "Where's Scully?" He asked softly. "I don't know." Judy said nervously. "I was in here tending to people, no one was hurt badly, just scrapes and bruises, so I hadn't sent for her. Then she came in, handed Aeryn to me and left. Skinner told everyone to stay in their rooms, I figured that's why she hadn't came back, but that doesn't make much sense." Mulder looked at her question. Why would Scully have left? People were injured, despite severity she would have stayed to help. Why would she leave the baby? It was all so unlike her. Realization passed through Mulder, like an ice cold fist gripping his stomach. She went looking outside of Nova for him. That's what he would have done if she had been out there. Left the baby is capable hands then started to search. "Did she say anything?" He asked in hope. He just needed a clue as to what direction she started in and then he could find her-he would find her. Judy shook her head slowly. "She just said she had to go." "Oh God." Mulder breathed out, pressing Aeryn closer to him. "Can you watch her for me?" Immediately Judy nodded and reached out to take the baby. "I'll be back." Mulder said with a lingering look at Aeryn before leaving the room. "Not again." He prayed softly as he began to jog towards the Main opening of Nova. He skidded to a stop halfway through the Main Room, at the Church door. With a shaking hand he opened the door. He wasn't sure why he had stopped here, it was just instinctive. But Mulder had learned a long time ago, to never ignore his instincts. They had saved his, and Scully's neck too often. Disappointment filled his heart as he scanned the chairs, all vacant. As he went to close the door a small movement in the far corner caught his eye. "Scully." He breathed in relief, even though fear still occupied most of his heart. He slowly, cautiously, made his way over to her as she crouched in the corner; her knees pulled to her chest. "Scully?" Her head flew up in surprise. Mulder dropped to his knees beside her, pulling her against him. "Are you ok?" Scully nodded, her tears beginning to soak through Mulder's shirt. "I was so scared I would be called." "You weren't?" Mulder asked in surprise as he pulled away from just enough to see her face. "No. But I was scared I would be. I had to get away for Aeryn." Mulder nodded, pulling her back against him. It made sense to him now. She left Aeryn in fear that she would hurt her. Scully's worst fear. His too. But it didn't happen. Nothing happened. Scully was ok, They had left her alone this time. "It's ok." Mulder whispered as he rocked her gently. "Aeryn." Scully said simply, attempting to move out of his embrace. But he pulled her back to him, not wanting to let go of the warmth and comfort her body gave him. "She's ok." He breathed into her hair. "I just saw her. Everything is ok." Scully settled her head back on his shoulder. His strong arms encircling her, locking out any bad thoughts. He was ok. He hadn't been killed in the explosion like she feared. Their family, though new and small was intact and safe in the walls of Nova. Day 400 (About 5 months later) Scully spread the blanket out on a fairly flat area of land, immediately laying on her back. The air was still cool from a long winter, but the sun was strong and bright, chasing away any chills from the wind. Lowing Aeryn to the middle of the blanket, Mulder settled on his side looking over at Scully. Her eyes were closed, her head tilting back, doing her best to enjoy her Sunday off. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" He asked Aeryn as she rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself up as much as she could on her arms. Pinching the fabric of her shirt between his fingers, Mulder stopped any potential movement. Scully lolled her head to the side, partly to see what the baby was doing and partly because a ship passing over head had blocked the sun's warming rays for a moment. "She has your attention span." Mulder just grinned. With an annoyed look at Aeryn he scooped her up from where she was slowly inching her way off the blanket and sat her up, leaning against his stomach as he lifted himself up on one elbow. Sliding a little closer to them, Scully reached out and gently brushed her fingers through Aeryn's soft red hair. "What are you thinking about?" Mulder asked noticing her far off expression. She looked up at him with a shrug. "Nothing and everything." He nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. Mulder caught Aeryn with a chuckle as she lost her balance and toppled to the side. He rested her head on his outstretched arm as he lowered himself completely to the blanket. She stared up at him, grabbing and reached for anything she could possibly get her curious little hands on. Scully watched with an amused smile as Aeryn wrapped her small fingers around the chain of Mulder's Nova charm. He grumbled and carefully untangling her fingers, shoving the charm under his shirt. After a few moments of silence, Aeryn now content with pulling at the collar of Mulder's shirt, Scully gently tapped Mulder's shin with her toe to get his attention. "What are you thinking about?" "Same as you." He responded, running his fingers over Aeryn's belly lightly, smiling as she giggled and cooed. Scully laughed softly at the two. "What's the `everything' you are thinking about today?" She asked to make idle conversation. "Same as it is every day." She raised her eyebrows in question. With a slight tilt of his chin, Mulder gestured to Aeryn and Scully. "You're `everything'." Scully smiled, inching even closer. "And what's the `nothing'?" Mulder jerked his head up the sky, signaling to the ships that passed over head all day long. They were all but forgotten, but never completely out of one's conscious, even during the quiet times like this. "But the `nothing' doesn't matter." He said smiling into her eyes. "The `everything' does." "Yeah, it does." Scully said softly, settling her head on his forearm, and her hand on Aeryn's belly. Notes: It's actually over.. First and foremost, thank you to Evie for all her timely beta work and suggestions and help. Evie supported me throughout this ordeal, yelled at me when I toyed with the idea of saying to hell with it and not finishing Nova, and gave me many virtual kicks when I wouldn't be writing when I should. Sitting here now, after finishing Nova, I can't think of word to describe how grateful I am for everything Evie has done. Thank you just doesn't cut it. Thanks to Evie (again) and Shell who had to listen to me whine about Nova for months now =). Just think, you are finally free! And a HUGE thanks to everyone who read Nova. And a bigger thanks to those of you who sent me email about it. It always made me smile, especially the ones who wrote frequently (you know who you are). Without you all I never would have done as much as I did. Nova, by far, has been the most interesting writing experience of my life. 5 months, 182 Word Doc pages later I have a fic that I can't believe came from my muse. For a long time, as I was writing Nova, I thought this was going to be the last fic I would write. That's a joke =). So don't worry all who yelled at me for saying such a thing, I just don't think its possible. My goal with Nova was invoke emotion. Laughter, fear, joy, tears, and hopefully even some sense of closure with this story. The only way for Nova to end without any possibility of a sequel would be to kill everyone, but I can't do that. Never will be able to without a huge amount of guilt. I felt Nova was becoming stale. I could have kept it going forever, but felt it was time to end it. Hopefully you feel the same. Please don't flame me if you don't agree, that only makes me sad =(. But I would love to hear your end thoughts on this fic. So, once again, thank you for reading. The only point for this to be written is for it to be read. If you enjoyed this please archive, recommend, send me one last praise, whatever you would like to do. Nova is up for anything it deserves. Thank you.