Title: Until the Sky Falls Author: Susan E-mail: touchstone98@tx.rr.com Classification: vignette Spoilers: The Truth Keywords: colonization, death (translation: this story does NOT have a happy ending) Archive: No archive without permission. Disclaimer: These characters belong to each other, not me. Author's notes at the end. Summary: They tried to stop things, they tried to make a difference, but in the end all they can do is wait for the sky to fall. ******************************************************* Until the Sky Falls by Susan ~~~~ December 21, 2012 11:40 pm He turns the light off in their cabin and climbs into bed beside her. It's dark inside their four walls, yet light enough for him to see her face. She looks so much older than she did ten years ago, and yet she looks just as beautiful as she did the first day they met. She feels the same to him too, although she's thinner now. Years of trying to save the world have taken their toll on her body, her clothes now hanging on her frame, her fingers not as nimble as they once were. His body has changed too over the past ten years, although his mind is as sharp as it ever was. They tried to stop things, they tried to make a difference, but in the end all they can do is wait for the sky to fall, crushing them and everyone else under its weight. Only twenty minutes left now, and they're both quiet, each of them thinking of the other, of what they could possibly say to each other their last few moments together. But there aren't any words right now. So she takes him inside of her instead, his long legs tangled around hers, lips tasting for the last time, tears dripping onto warm smooth skin. And when their bodies begin to reach that slow familiar burn, they keep their eyes open, taking each other in, savoring every nuance, memorizing every detail. Five minutes left, and they're still wrapped around each other, her hand trembling as it rests on his hip, his hand gently stroking her hair. And it's even quieter now, though they can still hear each other breathing. Taking her hand in his, he holds it against his heart for a moment, and then she does the same, threading her fingers through his before placing them on her own heart. One minute left, and he kisses her, then smiles as he whispers her name in that soft seductive way that makes her toes curl. And she smiles back, brushing her thumb across his bottom lip as she says his three favorite words one last time, "Mulder, it's me." Two seconds left now, and in this room, in this life, they hold onto each other and take one last breath. Together. ~end~ *Yes, I know that was depressing, and yes, I know that it's not my usual fare, but when the 'ol muse starts yammering in my ear, I have to do what she says or she never shuts up.;) Thanks for reading, and if you feel so inclined to share your feelings about this story with me, drop me a line at touchstone98@tx.rr.com possibilities http://possibilities.bravehost.com/ Originally posted May 2002.