Title : Fides Procuro IV : The truth points to itself. Author : Kelly Moreland Archive : Sure! Just let me know where Spoilers : None really, but I would suggest reading the other parts first. Rating : R for disturbing images. Category : MSR, M/S/other friendship, a little bit of everything.. Summary : Colonization/Apocalyptic hell Feedback : k_a_moreland@hotmail.com Disclaimer : In the big inning, CC created M & S, and the fans saw that it was good. Then CC proclaimed 'Let them have any fun, and I will sue you!' And the fans saw that this was bad, and did it anyway! ;-) Authors note : This picks up where Fides Procuro III ends. This is the end of Fides Procuro. Fides Procuro IV : The truth points to itself. by Kelly Moreland "One strand of DNA is all you need to clone." Mulder said, on the way back to the dock. "Yes, if you have the facility to do it in. Which, if I'm not mistaken is impossible any more." Hunt pointed out. "Why?" Mulder said, glancing over Scully's head, to the Hunt who walked on the other side of her. "Oh, how about lack of electricity?" "We have no way of knowing if that is worldwide." "I think you are giving these people too much credit." Hunt shook his head. "I know these people." Mulder replied grimly. "You aren't giving them enough credit." "You make them sound invincible." "In a lot of ways, they are." Hunt stopped in his tracks. "It would take years to perfect the process you're talking about. Taking a patched together strand of human DNA, with gene sequence gaps filled in with god only knows what, and cloning a person out of it? It's ludicrous." "But is it possible?" Mulder was a step ahead of where Hunt stopped, and had turned back to face him. "In theory, yes. In reality, it's highly unlikely. And most of all, why?" "I'm still working on that." He muttered, looking back up the street they had just come down. Scully recognized the concerned look on his face, and turned as well. "Where's Kari?" she asked, scanning the empty street behind them. "I don't know. She was here a few minutes ago." Hunt answered. They back tracked up the street, just in time to see her step from inside one of the shops. "Hey," Mulder called out. "Thought we'd lost you." "Just had to pick up something." She said, catching up to them. Mulder noticed she carried nothing in her hands. They tabled their discussion for the rest of the walk back to the dock. It wasn't getting them anywhere. "I know something that might save us a lot of time getting to Baltimore." Scully said later that evening. She had finally gotten fed up with Mulder and Hunt arguing about the possibilities versus the probabilities of DNA, and threatened to glue their lips shut. It worked like a charm. They quickly found other topics of conversation. "If we are extremely lucky, we can cut through the Chesapeake Delaware canal. Depending on how the locks are open. It's a big if, but I think we should check it out." "How much time would it save?" Mulder asked. "Two days." "We definitely need to check it out then." "I agree." Hunt nodded. "I'm sorry." Scully smiled wryly. "Did you two just agree on something for the first time all day?" "Oh ha ha." Hunt grinned. "C'mon Scully, we were just.." "Don't start again." she warned. He got the hint. "Is it just me, or does Kari keep disappearing today?" Mulder asked, noticing she was gone yet again. "She's upset about something. She hasn't been talking much since we came back from the lab. I think she feels overwhelmed by the implications of all this." Scully replied. "She's up on deck. I saw her when she left." "I'll be right back." Mulder got up from his seat, and went up the ladder. At first he didn't see her, and thought she had left the boat. He finally spotted her seated on the pulpit of the bow. He walked over, and without waiting for an invitation, sat down in front of her. "What's up?" He asked pointedly. "Nothing much. What's up with you?" "Glad you asked! I'm wondering why you are so quiet tonight, why you are keeping yourself separate from the rest of us. What's up with that?" "I just don't feel well." "Then Scully needs to know about it." "I'm not sick Mulder. I'm soul weary, ok?" She picked up a bottle that was cradled in her folded legs, and took a long drink from it. Mulder wasn't surprised really, god knew he'd done the same thing himself a few times. He held his hand out for the bottle, and she handed it to him. He read the label. "Yukon Jack." he whistled softly. "Stout stuff." "Yep." she mumbled. He took a long drink from the bottle, grimaced, and handed it back to her. "I never really cared for Canadian whiskey." "It's the only hard liquor I'll drink." she shrugged. "So, what happened today, that has you drinking the hard stuff?" She didn't answer. "You have to talk to me, or I'm going to bug you all night. And I had nice plans for the evening. This wasn't part of them." She was still silent. "Was it the lab?" "Mulder, it was everything. For the past month, I've seen death everyday. I've even smelled it in my sleep. I'm tired. I feel like I've seen too much, I feel used up and exhausted. How do you do it? How do you turn a blind eye to all this, and keep charging ahead?" "What makes you think I turn a blind eye? I've seen most of the same things you have. It bothers me too. Sometimes, I think we are done for. We are wiped out. Whether by accident or intent, we, as a species are finished. But as long as any of us are alive, we aren't finished." she looked at him, still saying nothing. "I can't believe that you've come this far, and are wimping out now. You and I started this pretty much together, I expect you to be there when it's over." "One good shot of liquor, and you get loose lipped as hell." she grinned for the first time since he came out. "I hardly ever drink, what do you expect?" he shrugged. "I expect you two to share." Came Scullys voice from behind him. Kari held up the bottle wordlessly. Scully sat down, and drank. Afterward, she cleared her throat hard. "Is that whiskey, or Drano?" she asked. "Both I think." Mulder answered. "What's going on out here?" "We are discussing strength, endurance, the will to carry on.." "Mulder's waxing poetic about life. Run. Run far." Mulder gave Kari his best hurt look, but she just grinned at him. "I'm immune to that." she replied to his woeful stare. "Scully, help me. I'm striking out bad tonight." "Nu-uh. Don't look to me for help." she chuckled. "Seriously, what's wrong Kari?" "I'm just tired, of all the things I've seen, you know. It all just got to me today. Everything. Mulder was giving me his version of a pep talk. Just about made me put a gun barrel in my mouth." she shook her head sadly, the gesture making all of them smile. "Now I'm offended. Really offended." Mulder griped. "Oh, cry me a river." Kari shot back. "OK, I take it back. You two are fine. I'm going to bed, goodnight." Scully said, getting to her feet. "Hang on Scully." he called, standing up as well, but turning back to Kari. "We need you. Don't bail on us now, ok?" his voice was low in the darkness. "OK." she answered simply. He ruffled the top of her head slightly, and followed Scully into the cabin. "I can't believe he actually did that." she muttered to herself, smoothing her hair Luck was on their side, and they were able to use the canal, arriving in Baltimore in two days, rather than in four. As they sailed under Francis Scott Key bridge, none of them noticed the lone figure watching from above. Mulder had pawed through the phone book, coming up with only one possible listing for Genetic research. The Maryland Institute of Science. Coincidentally, it was only two blocks away. The facility was intact, but after hours of searching, they had found nothing of use. File after file landed on the floor, as it was read and then discarded. "Nothing." Mulder cursed. "Maybe this isn't what we are supposed to find here." Kari said, rubbing her strained eyes. "Hold on Mulder. All of their genetic research is based on plant DNA, not human or animal DNA." Hunt was still leafing through a folder. "But they've had tremendous breakthroughs with Nucleotides." he said with open admiration. "English, Hunt, English." Kari cracked. Hunt looked up at her and smiled broadly. "Nucleotides exist in all bacteria cells and in the cells of higher plants, humans and other animals. As well as fungi, protozoa and algae." "OK, that means what?" Kari asked. "Nucleotides are thirty proteins that may be utilized in the process of repairing human cells. There are two major types of repair that they can be used for. Base excision repair, which removes simple base damage like methylated or oxidize bases and Mismatch repair, which removes incorrectly paired bases." "Son of a bitch." Mulder swore softly. "Nucleotides can, in theory, be used to repair DNA strands." Scully said, watching her partner start to pace. "In theory." Hunt agreed. "In reality, I'm afraid." Mulder said, his hands on his hips. He had stopped pacing, and stood in the middle of the room. "Let's go. We have to get to Atlanta." He said abruptly. "It's the last piece of the puzzle." "That's a long-assed trip, buddy." Hunt laughed. "How long will it take us Scully?" "To sail there? A week, if we are lucky. It's hard to say Mulder." "Then we need to get moving, we need to go." he seemed full of nervous energy. Everyone picked up on it, and they were out the door heading back to the dock. "Mulder, what do you think we will find in Atlanta?" Kari asked him quietly. "I hope I'm wrong, but from everything we found, they may have very well created a life, out of all of the names on that paper." "You're saying they combined the DNA of over five hundred people to make.. a child?" Up until then, Mulder had only thought in the sense of person, or a series of cells. Now that Kari used the word child, a new sense of urgency set in him. Was it a child? He was in front as they approached the dock and as he started up the gangplank, he heard a low steady clapping sound. He looked up. Standing on top of the cabin, was Krycek. "Bravo Mulder." Krycek laughed. "And it only took you.. forever." he mocked. "Krycek, I'd say good to see you, but it isn't." Behind him, Scully had drawn her Sig. She didn't trust Krycek anymore than Mulder did. She wasn't taking any chances. Krycek look pointedly at Kari. "Hi sweetheart. Miss me?" "No, but I haven't started firing yet." She smiled back bitterly. "Tsk, tsk. I liked you better when you were on your knees shaking in fear." He winked at her smugly. It made Kari's skin crawl. "I'd like you better flattened under a tank, but we seldom get what we want." "I come here to aid your quest, Mulder, and you little friend threatens me." "Say what you have to say." Mulder stepped slowly onto the deck of the boat. He knew Scully had drawn her gun, and now kept it out of sight behind her thigh. Now, if she needed. She had a clear shot. "Tell me what you've found out, and I'll tell you how far off base you are." Krycek still had that same smug smile on his face. "You don't know?" Mulder smiled back at him. "And here I thought you omnipotent." "That's impotent, not omnipotent, Mulder." Kari corrected. "I always get those mixed up, don't I?" He nodded. Scully was starting to get worried. Between Kari and Mulder, they were really pushing the chances of getting any useful information out of him. The muscle in his cheek started jumping, and his teeth were clenched. She cut a sharp look at Kari, and Kari looked down at the pavement, message received. "Spend a night with me, I'll show you how impotent I am." Krycek taunted her. Kari's chin came back up. "I'd rather masturbate with a cheese grater." Krycek jumped down off the top of the cabin, onto the deck. Mulder took a step to block the gangplank. Kari drew her gun from the back waistband of her jeans, all in the same instant. Hunt stood tense and watchful. He didn't know this man, but he already disliked him. "What did you come here to say?" Mulder said, distracting Krycek from Kari. "Just a trivia question for you, really." "I love trivia. Ask away." "What Federal Organization has a building with it's own back up power supply, and protection against EMP?" "Something tells me it's not the SETI project. How about the CDC?" Mulder answered. "Give that man a prize." Krycek answered dryly. "What will we find there?" Scully asked. "Go see." Krycek replied, brushing past Mulder and strolling down the gangplank. Kari still kept the sights of her gun on him. He walked straight to her, and stopped less than a foot away. "Oh put it up." He sneered at the gun in her hand. "You don't have the nerve." She lowered the weapon, and stared into his eyes. "I promised you last time, that one of us wouldn't walk away." She said softly. "I know. It was so cute, and defiant of you--" Kryceks words were choked off, when she pulled the trigger. "Kari!" Mulder yelled, jumping straight over the rail to the dock below. He yanked the gun from her hand, and looked at Krycek. He was doubled at the waist, holding his foot. "That fucking bitch shot me in the foot!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "Uh, yeah. We kinda noticed that." Hunt replied casually. Scully sighed deeply. "I'll get the first aid kit." Mulder dug his fingers hard into Kari's shoulder, and pushed her onto the boat. She didn't look up at him, until he whispered her name. "Kari?" she glanced up shyly, thinking to herself he's seriously pissed, only to see him grinning at her. "Masturbate with a cheese grater?" he mouthed silently. She shrugged, as if to say, it's all I could think of. Scully and Hunt bandaged Kryceks foot, none too gently. When they were done, he stood to go. "Hey Alex?" Kari jumped to her feet. He turned around and glared at her. "That's limping, not walking." she pointed out solemnly. He left without replying. "Did you two plan that whole scene?" Hunt asked, as they sat after dinner that night. "What scene?" Mulder asked innocently. "Yeah, what scene?" Kari echoed. "With what's his name." Hunt grinned. "No." they answered in perfect unison. "They just have a tendency to feed off each other." Scully put in. "Like sharks in a frenzy." "That was a really stupid thing to do though." Mulder said to Kari, for the third time since that afternoon. "Well, I can't turn back time. I did it. Can't undo it." "He could have shot you, Krycek is always armed. I'm really surprised he didn't." "I know why he didn't." She answered casually. "Oh really? Do tell." he invited. "He wouldn't, or couldn't, because my name is on that list. I know now that's why we all survived. It all comes down to that list." "Mulder's right, it was stupid." Scully agreed. "I know." Kari said with no remorse. "But tell me that you didn't enjoy seeing him jump around holding his foot?" she taunted. They couldn't. They started their long trek down the coast, the next day. Scully made certain they had the most up to date nautical maps she could find, while Hunt and Kari laid in supplies for the trip. Mulder left for an unknown errand, and returned a couple of hours later, with four gas masks. "In case Atlanta smells as bad as we think it will." He explained. The weather was clear, but the winds were less than generous. It took nine days to reach Savannah. By the time they docked, they were all ready for a change of pace. Close confines can test even the strongest relationships. Biking was definitely a change of pace, especially uphill all the way. "Mulder?" Kari called one afternoon, while they were peddling up a particularly long hill on interstate sixteen. "What?" "Why didn't you talk Scully into letting you bring that damn truck?" she teased. He gave her the death glare. "Hey." Scully called out beside Mulder. "I said it was Ok, you were the one that told him no." "Yeah," Mulder called back. "What she said!" "Shut up and peddle." Hunt broke in. Atlanta was even worse than they thought, when they reached it three days later. Mulder had been right to bring the gas masks. It was the only thing that made it bearable. The destruction from the white lighted blast they had all seen on CNN was nothing compared to the reality of it. Literally half of Atlanta was gone. The CDC building itself had been hit hard. It was a half structure, at best, a dangerous pile of rubble at worst. "This is insane." Scully said, looking at the tumbledown remains of the white brick building. "Mulder, you can't be serious about going in there." "I'm at least going to look around. See what I can find." At the back of the building, he found what he was looking for. A cellar type door that led underground, it had no door handle, obviously activated by a card key slot. "Shit." Mulder swore, running his thumbnail along the slot by the door. "I doubt we could pry that open with a crowbar." Hunt mused, looking at the nearly seamless doorway. "I doubt we could blow it open with a hundred pounds of c4." Mulder grunted. "Hell, if we are out of options, then try knocking." Kari joked. Hunt reached out and rapped on the door four times, playing along. None of them expected it to be opened, let alone by a troop of armed guards. "Identify yourselves!" One of the barked. "I'm Special Agent Fox Mulder, this is Special Agent Dana Scully, that is Kari Chandler, and he is Hunt Riley." "Keep your hands visible, and do not move. Do you understand." All four of them nodded. One of the guards disappeared down the hallway. "Mulder?" Scully said quietly. "Yes?" "Were you expecting this?" "Yes." "This is bad, this is really bad." Kari muttered, staring down the barrel of an M16, and remembering Philadelphia. "Just stay calm." Hunt whispered beside her. A figure walked down the hallway toward them. Mulder and Scully recognized him immediately. "Agents, what a lovely surprise." CGB Spender said. "I wouldn't quite go that far." Mulder replied. "But you would come this far, you've traveled a long way Agent Mulder. What is it you expect to find here?" he tapped the ashes from his ever present cigarette. "Answers." Mulder replied evenly. "To what questions?" "Why you've been matching DNA from hundreds of , why those same have apparently survived a blast that killed the rest of the population. What have you done?" The last was nearly a shout. "I've gotten the technology that will eventually put us back on our feet. What have you done Agent Mulder?" "I've found you out, you son of a bitch." "You've found nothing. And even if you had, who is left alive to care?" "Everyone who is left alive will care. That's the whole point. The only ones that survived are the ones on your list." "Do you even know how you survived, Agent Mulder? Do you really know what happened?" "Why don't tell me, and I'll see if I can gleaned the truth from the bullshit." CGB Spender laughed, and lit another cigarette. "Do you remember ordering Chinese take out the night before everything happened?" "Not especially, no." "Nanotechnology is a marvelous thing. See, you injested an automated device so small, you couldn't even feel the weight of it on your tongue. All of you did. Everyone who survived did, one way or another." He took a slow drag off his cigarette. "So you have all of us tagged?" Mulder asked. "No, within four days, the spent Nano unit passed out of your system, as undetectable to you, as when it entered. We just wanted to make sure all of our base pair donors lived, in case we needed them again." "What have you done with the strand you created?" Scully spoke after listening carefully to all this. "We have created life Agent Scully, in fact, we successfully created six of them. Three boys, Three girls." "And where are they?" Mulder asked. "They are long gone Agent Mulder. They are not on this planet." "You sold them?" "I traded them, as I said, for the technology that will bring us back from the dark ages." "You're the reason we're here to begin with!" Mulder raged. "It was an unfortunate mistake Agent Mulder, a chain of events that was set into motion, with no way to stop them. We saved all that we could. The ones that were compatible. This was not how we planned for things to go, you understand." "You only saved the that were useful to you." He said nothing, instead drawing on his cigarette again. "Better some than none at all, Agent Mulder." CGB spoke after a while. "We will rebuild. We will rise again, as they say here in the south." "And what? The date is set all over again?" He didn't answer, he simply gave a tight smile. "Something like that." "Not this time." Mulder snarled. "This time, the truth will be found out. I'll see to it." "You'll only see to your own demise." "Isn't that what you are doing to all of us? What's the difference?" "The difference is simply whether or not you want to die. Goodbye Agent Mulder." He turned and walked down the hallway. "I will fight you!" Mulder yelled to his retreating back. The guards stepped back inside the door, and closed it. "Christ, I thought they were going to kill us." Kari breathed after the door closed. "They did it. They actually fucking did it." Hunt uttered in amazement. "And they will do it again." Scully said her tone heavy with sadness. "What are we going to do now?" Kari asked. "We will make sure that the truth doesn't get buried this time. We'll tell everyone in anyway possible, what really happened here. And we will fight back." His words were adamant, his voice unswerving. "How?" Kari asked. "For one thing, you are a writer. Write it." He replied. And that's just what she did. Fides Procuro is Fini~